Get Away Maneuvers

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Chapter 7


As soon as his friends started introducing themselves to each other he tried his best to disappear into thin air. It was made even worse when two more individuals joined the group, he wished so very hard that no one talked to him.

Yeah right.

As if keen on making him uncomfortable, Hyunwoo turned to introduce him to the newcomers. He shifted his weight nervously on his feet, debating whether he should greet them back.

Little did he know his stomach would drop as soon as he brought his gaze up and it locked with a pair of eyes; what was worse, he recognized the person as the guy Minhyuk had introduced to him in the club.

His stomach did a flip, hoping and praying that he didn't recognize him, seeing as he had a face mask on and it was dark last time. He bowed slightly and quickly averted his gaze.

But his night was barely starting and he felt the need to vomit when Minhyuk turned to him.

"See why it's nice to let people know about you?"

Fuck you Minhyuk. Fuck this party. Fuck this stupid wedding cake outfit. I'm gonna be sick.

Before anyone was able to say anything else Hyungwon threw himself into the crowd only saying, "Bathroom," as he left.

It was in this moment he thanked being thin and tall, it helped him maneuver easily through the crowd, his long legs quickly taking him away from the awful social situation he had just been in. As soon as he burst into the bathroom he quickly locked it and leaned against the door hoping to everything that nobody insisted on pushing it open because his 60 kg body lacked any strength to keep it shut.

He took a few more minutes to calm his breathing. When his heart was finally back at a normal rate he stepped towards the sink, running the cold water and splashing it on his face. He looked up to the mirror and observed himself.

His hair was frazzled, probably from the abrupt escape, and in dire need of a dye job. Droplets ran down his colorless face and dropped off onto his white shirt.

He hated white.

His heart started racing again as a knock sounded on the door, his stomach started churning again but calmed down when he heard the person call his name.

"Hyungwon, open up."

He opened the door to his savior, Prince Charming in the flesh.

"Are you alright?" Hyunwoo's face showed honest concern.

Hyungwon managed a meek smile, "Been better. Minhyuk is an asshole."

Hyunwoo reached over him to get some paper towels and started dabbing them on his face. "He might be an asshole but he's not wrong."

Hyungwon frowned deeply and pulled away from Hyunwoo's hands. "Please Nunu, not you too."

Hyunwoo's face softened, "Hyunnie," his childhood nickname felt so weird to him. "You have to stop suppressing yourself, it isn't healthy to lead a double life like this."

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