The Model

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Chapter 3

- Minhyuk-

"Gin tonic'." He said as he slid the glass down the bar to the customer, he raised it in thanks.

Minhyuk smiled and turned happily to his friend sitting at the far right of the bar. As he walked over to him, he reminisced on the first time he had laid eyes on Shin Hoseok.

He remembered almost choking on his spit as he had approached the bar dressed in a black sleeveless turtleneck and mind-blowing leather
pants. Minhyuk had almost boned when he had leaned against the bar, his toned arms resting on the black surface. Minhyuk had wondered many
times what it would be like being pinned down and choked with those beautiful arms.

Alas, though extremely attractive, Minhyuk had been in a relationship at the time and they had instead hit it off as friends

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Alas, though extremely attractive, Minhyuk had been in a relationship at the time and they had instead hit it off as friends.

He soon found out that even though Hoseok was an incredibly attractive man they vibed on different sexual frequencies but they were very good friends. Though the time he spent with the man outside of the club was little, they were always in touch vía messages and he had a lot of fun interacting with him on his Instagram. He was quite popular with everybody; being a model, dancer, and avid night scene attendee; Wonho was a public figure in his own right, and gave a "cool" vibe.

But Minhyuk knew him enough to know that behind that unattainable exterior was a very kind, soft, and dare he say childish demeanor; drunk people are honest by default; so it was really funny seeing how Wonho visibly tensed when a certain silver-haired individual sat at the bar, a stool away from him.  Minhyuk smirked as in his mind he could envision a small apparition of himself dressed in red latex and horns sitting on his shoulders, begging for mischief.

"Wonnie~", Minhyuk cheerily greeted his other friend, sliding a small glass down to him.

It was comical seeing two of his friends from completely different walks of his life meet. It was like a cartoon crossover, slightly fantastical and otherworldly, like looking at a mirror in a funhouse.

Wonho's outfit showed his social personality and amazing body; whereas Wonnie's completely black attire and black face mask drowned his thin frame out and showed his lack of interest in socializing.

Minhyuk watched as his friend slid the glass back to him, with the liquid inside.

"I have to go soon." His low voice was almost impossible to hear even though he was right in front of him.

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