The Kiss

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Chapter 22

The only intelligible thing he was able to mutter was, "Huh?"

Hoseok released his sleeve and took a step back, he covered his face with his arm and said nothing but Hyungwon could see how red his ears had gotten.

"Are...are you serious?" Hyungwon said as he tried to pry Hoseok's arm away from his face. 

"Ahhh, don't look at me."  Hoseok turned away from Hyungwon once he had pried the arm off of the other's face.

The only word Hyungwon could use to describe the other male's face right now was cute.  Hoseok's ears were completely red and the blush color stained his cheeks and some of his neck.  It was so amazing to him how he had never noticed Hoseok's cute ears before, the way they stuck out from Hoseok's face and moved with his every gesture was so fascinating.    He also took note of how light Hoseok's skin was, even lighter than his own, and while trying to pry the man's arm off his face he had certainly noticed the veins that popped off on his arm.

Hoseok finally turned his face to him, a ghost of his blush still apparent, and then he said, "Of course I'm serious. I already told you I don't play with people like that."

Hyungwon tilted his head slightly, he could hear the sincerity in Hoseok's voice, "Okay."

"Okay?" Hoseok mirrored in question.

Hyungwon cocked an eyebrow and smiled, "You sound disappointed. What did you expect?"

Hoseok's face started getting red again, "I-I, I don't know? I guess...what do you.."

"What do I think?"

Hoseok nodded eagerly, he looked so cute with the red tinge still so visible on his ears.

Hyungwon smiled and pet Hoseok's head, "I already told you how incredibly handsome you are Hoseok. I would be lying if I said I wasn't attracted to you but I don't know if I'm ready to label it as a romantic like and deal with everything that entails liking someone."

Hoseok's shoulders drooped visibly, his gaze concentrated on the floor.

"We barely know each other, we've had quite the encounters, both you and I and with others. We've both been going in circles around each other since we met." Hyungwon said referring to the incident at the club and their see-saw of a friendship.

He took a step towards Hoseok, raising his hands to rest them on the man's biceps. He couldn't help but internally gush over how beautiful and massive Hoseok's arms were.

"But I do like you Hoseok. I like you as a person and I like you as a friend and I might like you as something other than a friend." It was his turn to blush. "I just don't want to rush into things and then have us crash and burn. So if you are willing to take things at a reasonable pace with me then I could give you a better answer in some time."

Hyungwon was amazed at how steady and controlled his voice sounded when he felt like he was dying on the inside. His heartbeat was so loud in his ears that he could barely hear himself and he was pretty sure Hoseok could hear it. He felt his stomach drop and his hands start to sweat as Hoseok hadn't said anything; he wondered if he had just ruined his opportunity with this hunk of a man but what he had said was the truth.

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