The Crazy Ex

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Chapter 20

After his brief encounter with Hoseok and whoever the crazy guy had been, Hyungwon had delved back into the crowd in search of his friends.  He wished he had gotten another drink from the bar but he didn't want to go back and risk bumping into the other two again.


He turned to his right as he heard his name above the loud music, Minhyuk was waving at him. 

"Where's Honey?"

"Did you talk with Wonho?"

They both asked at the same time.  Minhyuk signaled behind him to where Jooheon was dancing with a group of three guys, one of which Hyungwon himself had been dancing with earlier.

Hyungwon nodded and then answered Minhyuk's question, "I guess we sorted things out, we were  interrupted by some guy so I told him we should talk later."

Minhyuk nodded as he pulled away from Hyungwon, he smiled and then dragged him over to the group of four men.  The night went on with no further problem until they all decided it was time to leave.

"Ah, I need to go to the bathroom first."

Minhyuk and Jooheon nodded, "We'll meet you in the parking lot."

Hyungwon nodded and split off from his friends in search of the restrooms; he wasn't a fan of public bathrooms but he wouldn't risk an embarrassing accident in the taxi especially since after three more drinks his stomach was feeling heavy.

He thanked his luck when he entered the air-conditioned restroom that no one else was in there and quickly made his way over to the last stall.

It had been a long time since he had had more than two beers let alone hard alcohol so it was no surprise to him that his stomach was resenting his choices as he heaved into the porcelain basin.  After making sure he had let everything out he flushed and left the stall to wash his hands.  As he was rinsing out his mouth another toilet flushed and he looked up briefly into the mirror, surprised someone had been in there and a little embarrassed they had heard his vomiting.

As the other stall door opened he spit out the water in his mouth and went over to the paper towel dispenser; feeling a sense of relief as his stomach felt much better now. Just as he was throwing the used paper towel into the trash bin the other person addressed him.

"Hey! You! I know you!" A drunken voice said from behind him.

Hyungwon turned and felt his stomach twist back up as he met with the stupidly drunken person who had interrupted Hoseok and him earlier.

The drunk man stepped forward, shaking a finger at him, "You're that fuckin slut that was all over HoHo earlier! Yeah, don't think I wouldn't remember! Who do you think you are? You aren't shit!"

Hyungwon felt an oncoming headache as the man started shouting at him in a louder voice.  He was too drunk to patiently deal with this so he went through his options, deciding that barreling past the smaller man would probably be the least confrontational manner.

Boy was he wrong.

As he tried stepping past the short man he was rammed into one of the sinks; he winced as the sink was at the exact height of his stomach, making it lurch and threaten to vomit again.

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