The New Teacher

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Chapter 16

———Hoseok ———

"Come on! This way!" Hoseok said as he captured Hyungwon's hand and pulled him down the hallway of the sixth floor.

"How do you know your way around so well?" Huungwon asked as he stared at their locked hands, he couldn't help but notice how small his hand looked in Hoseok's, even though he didn't have particularly small hands.

"I worked here for about three years I think."  Hoseok turned to look at Hyungwon, "Which reminds me, it's funny how you've been friends with Shownu so long and yet we never met or crossed paths."

They had stopped in front of a door with a black '3' marking it.  Hyungwon looked at Hoseok who in turn was looking back at him, "I guess it was never destined."  Hyungwon said as he looked down at their hands.

"Destined? I didn't take you for a romantic Hyunnie," Hoseok teased and then proceeded to look through the small square window and into the classroom.

"So I'm guessing that means you aren't?" Hyungwon approached the panel at Hoseok's beckoning; they both squished together to try and peek into the small window.

"What? A romantic?" Hoseok turned to Hyungwon who was still looking into the classroom, trying to get a glimpse of the teacher.

"Mmm," Hyungwon barely acknowledged Hoseok's question as he was concentrated on his spying.

Hoseok stared at Hyungwon for a good minute, observing how a strand of rose-colored hair was caught on his long eyelashes.  As if by inertia he reached out to brush away the strand and in the process brushed against the skin on his cheek, it was unbelievably soft, so soft that he was tempted to caress it once more, yet Hyungwon's questioning gaze had turned towards him.  He felt his heart skip a beat as he realized how close he was to him, closer than they had ever been before. 

He remembered the night on the rooftop when he had been excited to be close to the man that had caused him so much intrigue since the beginning.

Up close he could see how his lashes weren't thick as he had originally thought, they were thin yet he had a lot of them which gave off a full and almost fluffy effect; his eyebrows were naturally thick and complimented the roundness of his eyes very well. His lips looked so soft, his bottom lip was especially plump and they were a light pink color, and he saw a beauty mark on the bottom one that he had never noticed before.

As he was staring at Hyungwon a crazy thought flashed through his head, he wondered if Hyungwon would let him kiss his lips if he asked; he just wanted to experience what they felt like. He had kissed many people throughout his life but he couldn't remember any of them having such tempting lips.

Just as he was about to ask, someone behind them cleared their throat, making Hyungwon and Hoseok jump apart as if they were on fire.

"If you two would please excuse me, I need to go in." A very annoyed receptionist stared at them, arms crossed and a frown on his pretty face.

"Ren! It's not what you think we-"

"Shut it Wonho! I don't care to know anything about you or your flings, just let me through." Ren rolled his eyes as he passed them and went inside the room.

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