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Chapter 33

"WHAT? That motherfucker!!!" Changkyun banged the table spilling some of his soup.

"And it gets worse after that." Hyungwon sipped on his iced tea.

"How could it get any worse?"

"After scrounging up the money and making the exchange; the bastard had to have his last laugh. He hired a guy to photograph us and sold the pictures to a gossip journalist; it made the headlines of every newspaper in Seoul. Luckily my face was hidden enough for my parents to be able to deny it was me but if they already hated me, they despised me after that."

Changkyun frowned, "But how could your parents despise you? You're their only child!"

Hyungwon smiled at the younger, "For people their age and of their status; what people think about them trumps everything, even family. I learned that very young."

Changkyun's frown deepened and he shook his head, "I guess I understand why you don't tell anybody about your job anymore; that shit was traumatizing."

Hyungwon slurped up the last of his soup and stood up to throw away his container. He then turned and patted the younger's head.

"Thank you for listening; I promise I'll tell you when I'm ready. I just need time to psych myself up."

Changkyun looked at Hyungwon with a weird look, then he just shrugged and slurped the last of his soup.

Their nighttime routine carried on without much talking; Hyungwon discovered that Changkyun was a person of few words and he welcomed that; living with Minhyuk was nice but the blonde could talk your ear off.

By 1 am both of them were fast asleep, unaware of the trouble that would start brewing tomorrow.


"They've asked us to play a show."

Hyungwon felt a boulder drop in his stomach, "What? Who? Why?"

Jooheon swiveled in his chair, looking at the door of the recording studio, knowing that he had to be quick before Changkyun came back with coffee.

"I might have let it slip to my agent that you're here, who in turn told someone else and word got to someone else.  They want us to play a set at Rakuten Fashion week."

Hyungwon looked at Jooheon with question.

Jooheon turned to the laptop in front of him and typed something into the search bar. Hyungwon squeezed next to Jooheon and squinted at the screen.  Just as Hyungwon was finished reading the screen the door to the studio burst open, making both of them jump in surprise and bump their foreheads together.

"Ahhh, your head is so hard!" Jooheon groaned.

Hyungwon cracked an eye open to see Changkyun standing in the way of doorway, coffee in hand and...glaring at him.

"What are you doing?" Changkyun said in a monotone voice.

Hyungwon raised an eyebrow, he hadn't heard Changkyun this serious in a while, "Uh, Jooheon was just showing me a place he was asked to play at."

Myself | A Hyungwonho Story Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora