Crystal Clear

22 5 1


Chapter 29


Hyungwon grimaced as Minhyuk's loud voice rang in his ears, he pulled away from the phone and frowned at Hoseok who was busy munching on an apple.

Hyungwon's morning had started very peacefully, with Hoseok cuddled next to him but five minutes later the peace was disrupted by his phone ringing, unaware that answering it would unleash Minhyuk's wrath.

"I already told you, we're on Jeju island."

"WHY? What is going on Chae Hyungwon!!!"

Hoseok snickered from the kitchen and Hyungwon sent him a death glare, why didn't he have to deal with a crazy friend?

"Minhyuk, please, can we talk about this tomorrow?"

"NO! You give me an explanation right now as to why you've been keeping this from me or else I will go over there myself and kick it out of you."

Hyungwon sighed in frustration and stood from the couch, he slipped on his sneakers before walking out into the front yard.

"Ok, I'm going to make this quick.  Hoseok and I have been talking for some time now-"

"How much time?" Minhyuk interrupted.

"Since the party..."


"Minhyuk please, do you want to know or not?"

"...fine. Go on."

"So we've been talking and I guess we kind of hit it off. The day before I came back from his place Hyunwoo asked me if I could come to Jeju with Hoseok because he wouldn't be able to make it."

"Are you guys going out?"

"You just ignored everything I said didn't you?"

"Answer the question Hyungwon."

Hyungwon felt his eyes roll into the back of his head. "Yes. We are going out."

A shrill shriek was heard on the other side of the line, thankfully Hyungwon knew his friend enough to pull the cellphone away from his ear beforehand, sparing his eardrums. Minhyuk's ranting went on for another thirty seconds before he fell silent, Hyungwon drew the phone to his ear once more.


"Mm?" He got a bad feeling in his stomach.

"Have you guys had sex yet?"

Hoseok decided Hyungwon would still be a while so he took the opportunity to shower; as he exited the bathroom into the room he heard a shriek come from the front yard.

Thinking Hyungwon might have encountered trouble or a bug he quickly dashed out the front door, paying no attention to his feet or the towel that was barely clinging onto him.

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