Jeju Island

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Chapter 27

Minhyuk had said his goodbyes to him at 1 pm, promising to come back with some of his mom's food. And true to his word, Hoseok knocked on his door at 3 on the dot.

Hyungwon pulled the apartment door closed and made sure it was locked before turning to the smiling man before him. For the millionth time, his breath caught as he laid eyes on Hoseok; who was wearing a simple grey sweatshirt and loose black pants.

Hyungwon had also decided to dress comfortably for the road trip, it would be an almost 5-hour ride to the ferry and he would hate himself if he wasn't comfortable for the trip.

As they got out into the parking lot Hoseok swiped his suitcase from him and told him to get into the car.  Hyungwon decided to comply and immediately noticed the fresh smell of the car as he sat down in the passenger seat.

"Did you clean your car for the trip?" He turned to Hoseok who was strapping himself in.

"Uh, I, I needed to get it clean anyways." Hoseok's ears started to turn red.

Hyungwon couldn't help the warm feeling that bloomed in his chest, he leaned over the seat and kissed Hoseok on the cheek.

"You are too cute." He said and then sat back down.

Hoseok stared at him, mouth agape and a hand on his cheek; his mouth opened and closed in silence before he started the car and backed out of the parking spot.

The first two hours of their road trip were uneventful; they had stopped but for takeout before heading out on the road. Each had taken turns putting on their playlists but after the songs started repeating they settled into conversation.

"So, have you been to Jeju before?" Hyungwon asked as he looked out the window.

Hoseok turned his steering wheel to merge into the right lane and then he answered. "I lived here with my parents before they died."

Hyungwon felt his eyes widen, he hadn't expected that response and he didn't know what to answer either.


Hoseok chuckled and put his right hand on Hyungwon's left thigh; Hyungwon noted how scrawny his leg looked in comparison to Hoseok's large hand.

"It's okay babe, it was a long time ago, it doesn't bother me to talk about it."

Hyungwon took Hoseok's hand in his, experimentally weaving his fingers with Hoseok's, enjoying the warmth of the man's hand on his cold one.

"Okay. So you were going to come with Hyunwoo?"

"Mmm, actually I was going to come alone; Hyunwoo just tagged along."

"Mmm," Hyungwon said, accepting Hoseok's answer and falling silent, soft music floated from the car stereo.

After ten minutes of comfortable silence, Hoseok spoke up.

"How about you? Where did your parents take you on vacation when you were young?"

Hyungwon stiffened, he unconsciously tightened his grip on Hoseok's hand causing the other male to briefly glance at him.  He swallowed to try to get rid of the dryness in his throat.

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