🎨𝐄𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐞-𝐌𝐚𝐫𝐲 𝐉𝐨𝐡𝐧𝐬𝐭𝐨𝐧🎨

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Name: Elise-Mary Johnston

Nickname(s): Lise, Lissy, Mar, Ellie

Age in roleplays: 13-40

Sexual orientation: Asexual panromantic


Thomas Nance
Cathy Ziggler
Herman Johnston
Ruby Martin

Oscar Nance
Naomi Johnston

Eva Nance
Lula Nance

Ben Nance
Claude Johnston

Rosa Nance
Edwin Nance
Stella Nance
Sadie Wilson
Eugene Wilson


Adopted children:
Hannah Scott

Appearance: FC: Shailene Garnett

Personality: Elise-Mary is kind, but not afraid to speak her mind. Say anything rude to her, expect something 10× worse back. She can be incredibly sassy at times, but mostly keeps to herself, painting.

Backstory: (TW) Elise-Mary was born to Oscar Nance and Naomi Johnston on June 30, 1900. She was an illegitimate child, and everyone knew. But the people in her community didn't care. She was told by her mother that her father had died in an accident.

On April 27, 1905, Naomi married a man called Vernon Wilson. Elise didn't like her stepfather, however. She said that he hit her, but no one believed her.

If he ever did hit her, no one knew. But on December 24, 1911, she did slap him, wearing a ring of her mother's. It left a mark on his face, and the two got along worse than ever before.

Despite how Elise and Vernon treated each other, Naomi and he were very much in love. They had two children. The older, Sadie, was born on October 8, 1906. The younger, Eugene, was born on July 24, 1910.

On her 13th birthday, Elise-Mary ran away. She was going to travel the world, painting. Her first stop? Russia.

She spent three months in Russia, painting and pickpocketing. She was caught very few times, and got away by pulling the "oblivious foreigner" card. Then she departed for Japan.

She spent a month in Japan, doing what she did in Russia. Then she went to England, staying there for a year. Finally, she went back home, to Canada, with plenty of paintings.

She arrived home on August 28, 1915, only 15 years old. She arrived to find her father, Oscar, and half brother, Edwin, who had come to help look for her after she'd gone missing. After finding out that her father was, in fact, alive, and that Naomi had lied to her, she ran off. A few hours later, she was found, sobbing in a tree, by Edwin. He comforted her, and took her back home. Naomi apologized for lying to Elise-Mary, and Oscar offered to let Elise live with him, his wife, and children. She agreed, and the next day, Oscar, Edwin, and Elise-Mary went to Toronto.

Here she met her half sisters, Rosa and Stella. They were elated to have another sister, the girls becoming close very quickly. But Oscar's wife, Mildred, was angry that he had had a daughter with another woman. She often beat Elise-Mary for little things, sometimes burning the girl with cigarettes. But Elise didn't care. She was finally getting to know her father.

On September 7, 1916, Mildred died of mysterious causes. Some said it was suicide. Others said murder. A few said it was just an illness. But, evidence found that she had been poisoned. The two main suspects? Oscar and Elise-Mary.

Oscar was cleared almost immediately. He was a respected officer of the law, known and loved by many. Elise, however... She was a runaway, and known pickpocket, as her old habits were hard to break. The trial went on, and Mildred's death was ultimately ruled a suicide. There were still people who believed Elise-Mary did it, but she stayed away from them when she could.

Elise left Canada again on October 15, 1918, this time going to America and touring the states. She painted people she met, things she saw, etc. She even went to Belews Creek Mill, a small town in North Carolina. Here she met a woman named Theresa Carter. The two became fast friends, and Elise-Mary painted many portraits of her, some accounts claiming she painted 27, others saying 34.

On July 2, 1919, however, Theresa died of influenza, devastating Elise. She went back to Toronto, only to find that her father had died as well, a few days prior. Heartbroken, she went back to her mother's home, where she spent the next five years.

On November 23, 1924, she got bored of staying where she was. So she went back to Toronto yet again, where she lived with Stella for three years. Stella, however, died of a heart attack on May 6, 1927. Elise attended the funeral, then left for North Carolina. She bought a home there, where she would spend the rest of her life.

She bought a cat as well, naming him Draco, the latin term for dragon. She had a room full of her paintings, many now of her cat. She soon got another cat, naming her Leo, the latin term for lion. Leo and Draco had a litter of six kittens, who Elise named Tigris, Peggy, Percy, Yuki, and Nicholas. She painted many portraits of her cats, some becoming the ones she's remembered for.

Her life was good. She was hired to paint portraits often, and was well known in the community. She was friends with everyone, and knew everyone by name.

On May 13, 1934, Edwin died of lung cancer. Elise-Mary went to Toronto for the funeral. She reconnected with her siblings, whom she hadn't contacted since Stella's death.

She went back to her home in Belews Creek Mill, where she painted more paintings of her cats. Around this time, an 11 year old girl showed up at her home. The girl's name was Hannah, and she was recently orphaned. Elise took her in, loving her as she would her own child.

Life went on, until December 16, 1940. Elise-Mary died of a stroke, leaving her cats and Hannah in the care of her sister, Rosa.

Elise's works can be seen around the world, in various galleries today, leaving her with a lasting legacy.

Wears: (shall be added later)


"Don't hit me."

"He hurts me!"

"That's what you get for being a bastard, sir."

"My mother's a whore, my father's a copper, and I'm a pickpocketing artist."

"I love not speaking Russian."

"Japan here I come."

"England seems like it'd be nice."

"You're my...father? I thought you were dead!"

"I didn't kill anyone."

"Theresa. That's a nice name. I'm Elise-Mary."

"First I lose my best friend, now my father?"

"Fate must really hate me."

"I want a cat. I'm gonna get a cat."

"Another world war? Wasn't one enough?"

"Be good for Rosa, okay kids?"

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