Chapter IV

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Saturday July 17, 2009 2:25PM


I will never touch alcohol again.

I will never touch alcohol again.

I will...

"What's wrong with you, kid?" the voice of my body guard, Malik, broke me from my trance. I realized I was leaning against the wall backstage holding my head, my lips moving with the chant going on in my mind but no sound coming out.

I rose my head up quickly, too quickly. A crashing wave of pain rushed from the back of my head to the front right between my eyes almost bringing tears to them. The worst headache of my life...

"I just have a headache..."

"Want to call it a day? You know, even Michael Jackson is allowed a sick day if he needs it." Malik was normally very stern, serious, and barely spoke. He had an intimidating presence standing 6'4 and probably weighing near three hundred pounds, dark skinned fella with short hair that normally had neat waves in it. He replaced my previous bodyguard who was a little bit more playful and I liked him a lot better. No one ever explained to me why he had to go... Another example of how far my life has gone beyond my control. I can't even pick who I surround myself with anymore... But gee, to see him showing some sort of compassion, made me realize just how bad of shape I must have really looked. I hadn't eaten a crumb yet today... and was feeling pretty dehydrated.

"No, I'm fine... Actually if you could have someone bring me a water and maybe a light snack, that would be great." I walked into what would be my dressing room for the show and let my weak body fall into the black chair in front of the mirror. As if this headache wasn't enough to take my focus off the rehearsals, I couldn't stop thinking about Vivian... I smiled just at the thought of her name, hardened just at the memory of how soft her breast felt in my hand. That girl... she really was somethin'...

I couldn't wait to see her again, but I knew it wouldn't be for a while. I needed to lay low for the time being before I get caught. I also needed to come up with a different disguise. I couldn't keep going to the same bar wearing the same hoodie over and over. I'd look suspicious.

Monday July 27, 2009 1:30AM


I took one last look around the bar before walking out the front, locking the door behind me. It was a boring end to a Sunday night. I never realized just how boring my job really was until Michael Jackson showed up on the scene. I found myself regrettably looking forward to seeing him again... but this was the second weekend in a row that he hadn't come. I was beginning to wonder if maybe he had gotten cold feet about his decision to trust me. Or maybe he was just testing me... I love a good mystery and that man was every bit of that. Even though it seemed like we spent hours talking (well mostly me talking) that night, I still didn't know much about him.  I hadn't heard from him since then.

I was having an internal battle with myself. One side wanting to send him a friendly text... to further try and solve this mystery that is Michael Jackson and the other side just wanting to let it go and forget he ever walked into my life. As sweet and innocent as he may seem, he's still a man. My rules still apply. I will not allow another man into my life until I've raised my children. They deserved that much and I won't let anyone else in our lives to hurt them.



It was so humid tonight, I felt like I was walking through sheets of moisture. My hair was sticking to my cheeks and my chest. I pushed my hair away from my face and held it back in an imaginary pony tail for a moment letting my neck breathe.

The Caged Passion ( A Michael Jackson Fanfic)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang