Chapter XXVIII

404 23 13

Saturday November 7, 2009 10:35 AM


I didn't get a wink of sleep thinking about her and why she would keep such a secret from me. That boy, Aden, his eyes flashed through my mind over and over. I thought we had trust. I thought we had developed something of a strong friendship, at the very least among other things...

Now all at once she was a stranger to me again. A stranger that I wanted so desperately to get reacquainted with...

I wish I could have just waited until tonight and shown up at the bar again. That was the one place I knew she wouldn't be able to avoid me because it was her job. But I couldn't now that her uncle had seen me. Something about his smile seemed a little off, like it wasn't genuine... Last thing I need is more media attention for being in places that 'Michael Jackson' wouldn't dare be seen in - such as a bar.

But here I stood before the same address again after having knocked on the door a total of six rounds in a span of about ten minutes. There was another vehicle in the drive so I knew someone had to be home. My personal cell was in my back pocket, vibrating away. It hadn't stopped all morning, but I couldn't bring myself to care about anything else besides getting to the bottom of this.

It's ironic, I enjoy mystery - being the mystery that is, but I can't take not being able to solve one.

I lowered my head with a sigh and then jumped slightly as I felt a heavy hand land on my shoulder.

"Come on, Mike." It was Malik's deep voice. Without another word, he removed me from the door step and put me back on a plane to Havenhurst.


I woke up to the sound of someone knocking at my bedroom door. The movie I had been watching had returned to the title screen.

"Who is it?" I called rubbing the backs of my eye lids in small circles trying to will away the headache behind them. Evidence that I had been stressing too much over Vivian.

The door flew open.

"Your favorite baby sister!"

"My only baby sister..." I muttered, opening my eyes slowly. Janet's face hovered over mine, the smile on her lips let me know she was up to no good. I half expected Arilynn to walk in behind her, but I glanced at the open doorway to find it empty.

"Why didn't you answer my calls?! I've been calling you all day!" she pouted above me.

I rolled my eyes and yawned in her face. She wrinkled her nose and waved a hand on front of her nose.

"What do you want?" I asked through another yawn. For once in my life all I really wanted to do at the moment was sleep.

"I've got a date tonight." She sounded like an excited teenager.

"Who is he?"

"Nobody you know." She stuck her tongue out at me. I raised an eyebrow at her waiting for her to answer me properly. "You'll find out though, because you've got a date too. We're gonna double."

I rubbed my eyes again. "Aghhh... Dunk... Will you stop? Does she even want to go at this point? Or are you still forcing her?"

"Of course she wants to." She said quickly.

"And where exactly are we going? You and I, in public, on a double date? That's going to be a media circus... I'm not up for that."

"We're going in disguise! My guy knows this place outside of town, no one will recognize us."

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