Chapter XXXIII

412 27 12

Monday December 28, 2009

10:00 AM


I felt a hand shaking my arm gently and that sweet voice by my ear.

"We're here..." the sound floated around in my mind as I slowly came to. I opened my eyes and blinked a few times as my vision cleared. The first thing I saw was the large, beautiful cabin we'd be staying at. It had a green roof and huge triangular windows in the front. It was right next to stream that lead down to what looked like a large lake. The stream had large stones sporadically within it reminding me of a video game were you'd jump from stone to stone to get across.

A tiny giggle pulled me out of my fascinated trace. "It's gorgeous isn't it?"

I blinked a few more times fully coming too. I made it through the flight, but as soon as we entered the car to make the hour drive out here, I was out. And man... I was more tired now than I was before that hour nap. Arilynn gave me a sympathetic pout, probably reading the fatigue right off of my face... or more likely from the dark circles around my eyes.

God, if she only had any clue why I was so tired, she wouldn't want to touch me...

The sound of the door shutting hard, made me jump slightly. Our chauffer was a heavy man with a heavy hand. It seemed like every movement he made was harsher, louder... even the way he handled our baggage.

All of us were speechless as we approached the place. Even the air felt fresher, cleaner out here. The cold air against my face helped wake me up a little. It wasn't the snowy, winter wonderland that Janet was imagining it would be, but there were a few patches of ice and snow here and there from when it had previously snowed.

We walked through the home, aweing at everything. It's not that it was so much more glamorous than what we were used to, but just different. A different kind of beauty. JD and Janet, Arilynn and I went in separate directions as we came up the grand staircase. Their room was on the left while ours was on the right. The bedroom was huge and had two full sized beds in it with dark green comforters covering them, matching the other dark green accents in the room including the curtains and circular rug in the middle of the floor.

The bed closest to us drew my body in like a magnet and I crashed into the soft pillows closing my eyes. "Man... I could just go to sleep right now..." I said out loud and within seconds, I fell asleep.


I laughed at Michael's motionless form on the bed, thinking that he was just playing around. It wasn't until I commented on the flower arrangements they had set up and he didn't respond that I realized he had actually fallen asleep that fast. I kept looking around the room and wandered into the bathroom that was connected. It was absolutely beautiful with a large Jacuzzi tub that looked as if it could fit five people in it and a shower that could fit seven.

I continued to look around the room for a while and attempted to get on my phone to kill this awkwardness I felt by standing here looking at a sleeping Michael, but there was no service not even internet out here. I would have just left to find Janet and JD but was afraid that maybe they had already gotten into the 'mood' and didn't want to interrupt.

Ten more minutes went by...

Then it occurred to me that if they came in here looking for us and she found Michael sleeping, she'd jump all over him for being rude, even if it did seem like he was just really tired.

I chewed at my nail staring down at him, hesitating to do what I must...

I gently shook his shoulder earning no response. I shook a little harder, leaning over him.

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