Chapter XXXV

542 26 12

Monday January 4, 2010



2010 is going to be an awesome year for me... I just know it.

I thought to myself as I lay in my childhood bedroom staring up at my ceiling reflecting on the amazing week I just had with Michael. We never ended up doing the deed but I was actually kind of relieved. He wanted our first time to be special and I couldn't agree more. Plus, we spent most of New Year's taking care of Janet who drank too much of that strong wine they had at the cabin. Those bottles must have been a zillion years old and worth a lot of money. She and JD both overestimated their alcohol tolerance while Michael and I had a good time laughing at them until Janet started getting sick...

I couldn't wait to come home to share the good news with my mom, but I missed him already. He was at the Jackson home in Havenhurst with his family. He called me twice a day, early in the morning and late at night and we talked about what was going on. He had a lot of relatives coming in town and staying with them during the holidays and had had a busy weekend catching up with everyone.

I had to get back to the dance studio anyway so I knew I would be busy with that for the next few weeks anyway.

Michael mentioned that he had some meetings to attend in Los Angeles and told me about a condo that had rented out for a few weeks. I wasn't sure if he was inviting me to stay with him or not, so here I am waiting patiently for his call or message to let me know when we could see each other again.


"No... It's okay... just set those suitcases in the room." I said to the gentleman who was reading himself to start unpacking my things. Everyone around me assumes that Michael Jackson never lifts a finger, but honestly when it comes to my bedroom whether it's a hotel room or my actual home, I like to maintain it myself. It feels too invasive to have someone in here touching my personal things. One of these bags had a journal with some unfinished songs I had begun to write in it somewhere.

I didn't want my unfinished thoughts swiped and shared with the public.

Little by little all of the hustle and bustle began to die down and the only two people left in the new condo were me and Malik.

"So, anyway..." I said getting back on the subject now that we could talk about it openly and not whisper around these unfamiliar ears... "Should I invite her to stay or not? Would it be weird?"

It's been awhile since I've had an exclusive, official girlfriend... I don't know what in the world I'm doing. Plus, it's not like Arilynn is just some new girl I've just met and started dating. I've known her now for a long time.

"Nah, it ain't weird. Unless you make it weird."

I scoffed at that. "What about the dinner next Friday? Should I take her? No... I should wait. Keep it a secret for as long as possible."

Malik shrugged and made a face. "You've never been seen like that with a girl. Might be a good thing for you. Shut all these tabloids that's been trying to dawg you for being strange down."

I nodded at that. That was true. But if I wanted to use a girl as a stunt like that, I could. This wasn't like that. I do actually like Arilynn and I want her protected. I'm not quite sure if she's ready for that kind of recognition yet... But then again, it might be better to know now that she can deal with it than to let this go on until I'm really attached to her and be left alone again like always.

I needed some blunt advice...


I finally finished getting my room set up, listened to some music for a while and did something I don't usually do and relaxed in the tub for a while. When I was sure that I was truly alone, I climbed into bed and pulled out my phone.

The Caged Passion ( A Michael Jackson Fanfic)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя