Chapter XXX

398 28 14

Sunday November 8, 2009 8:35AM


I awoke to the sound of soft laughter next to me. For a moment I thought I was dreaming as I recognized that laugh. My eyes fluttered open and landed on those perfect teeth, I felt his breath on my face as he breathed another quiet round of chuckles.

"Girl... are you going to see me off today or not my flight leaves in less than an hour." He said with another laugh. My eyes widened and I sat up in bed too fast, the room spun around me and I felt his weight drop down on the bed next to me. More awake now, my eyes scanned his face. Though he was smiling, the sparkle didn't quite meet his eyes. As his smile began to fade slowly, I noticed a bit of pain in them.

He nudged me. "Get dressed! Janet's downstairs. She's going to ride with us." I jumped slightly as he reached behind him somewhere and pulled a hat out that he proceeded to pull down on my head roughly, pulling the bill low over my eyes.

I picked up his hint right away... I'd have to keep my face hidden. Wouldn't want this... whatever it is... to be shown publicly before it has even been defined. Michael had kindly provided me with some chick clothes and I threw them on and ate a fast breakfast that I would have passed on if Mrs. Jackson hadn't so persistently suggested I eat something before I go.

In all of the rush, Michael and I barely spoke. As much as I wanted to ask him where this left us, I couldn't muster up the courage. Not like having his sister and three other bodyguards in the vehicle with us made it easy to say anything. Also, I got the feeling that his 'people' weren't exactly thrilled that I was riding along. Another person to guard, another secret to keep... another hassle in their already super complicated jobs - I got that.

It just all made the air a little bit tenser.

So, I kept quiet.

Michael whistled happily to himself on the ride to the airport and Janet attempted every now and then to strike up random conversation with me. All I could think about was if I was going to be able to give him one more kiss before he left.

But that hope was quickly shot down when I realized that we were not even walking to the airport with him. There were fans galore and the car pulled right up to the runway where his private jet sat waiting for him. Another car was waiting as well and several men crowded around the car door before opening it for him.

He turned to me and shined that perfect smile at me. Janet leaned over me patting her big brother on his cheek.

"Be safe and have fun. Can't wait until we're all home again."

Michael sighed softly. "As much as I love doing this for them..." He said glancing out the window at his fans. "I can't wait either." His eyes then landed on mine and his lips turned in a half smile. He stared at me for a while, well it seemed like a while, but I'm sure it was only a half a second.

"Keep this one safe." He said putting his arm around me. Janet's grin couldn't have gotten any wider, mirroring her brother's.

I flinched as I felt cool fingers under my chin, turning my face. His lips landed on mine softly, politely... before I could believe that he was really kissing me there in front of his sister, it ended and he winked at me before releasing me and in that moment the door opened. The screams from the crowd instantly flowed into the car, drowning everything else out. He waved to us before being swallowed in black suits. Every now and again you could see his bony little hand reach up and wave to his fans.

And then he was gone.

I wouldn't be for that long though, Christmas was just around the corner. I smiled sadly as we watched his jet take off into the sky.

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