Chapter XI

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Saturday August 29, 2009 9:30PM


My team was amazing we got a lot of things accomplished today and I just knew this show was going to be the best thing the world has yet to see. It was coming together exactly how I envisioned it and I was so thankful for the people who worked hard to make my vision a reality. I didn't want Frank to think I was losing sight of what was going on around me because of this mystery woman in my life, but I let him know straight that I intended to go see her tonight. Alone.

And I didn't want to hear any fuss about it.

I took Vivian's advice and was firm about it. It was long overdue for me to start gaining some control over my life and let people know just who was boss around here.

I applied my fake facial hair, though I had a bit of stubble of my own going on. I hadn't shaved since before Vivian came to Vegas Monday. I thought it might help my disguise a little. I hope she was working tonight... I wanted to show up as a surprise and then maybe we could go back to her place and...

I can't believe I'm thinking this way.



The kids were both in bed and my mom had just said her goodnight leaving me sitting alone in the living room. Kelly wanted my shift at the bar tonight. She needed the extra money so I regrettably let her take my hours and tips. I was doing ok with this month. The kids had everything they needed. I could use a night of nothing but vegetation...

My phone rang and I hurried to answer it before the shrill sound could wake up my sleeping family. I smiled seeing it was Michael. Or a night of some thriller cock...

"Hello, ThrillerMan." I said in a hushed voice looking over the back of the couch to make sure my nosey mother hadn't left her bedroom to eavesdrop. My mother was a hard woman to fool. Even if the truth was too hard for her to find believable, it was impossible to convince her of it. If I told her I was having casual sex with Michael Jackson... She'd be sending me off to a mental ward. Even if the man himself was standing in her living room. She'd swear he was an imposter and call the police.

"You're not working tonight?" He sounded disappointed. I could hear the faint sound of music playing in the background and realized that he must be sitting at the bar looking for me.

"Nope. Kelly took my place tonight. This is why you should call or text before just showing up." I laughed lightly imagining his pouty face.

"I wanted to surprise you..."

"Isn't it your birthday? You should be getting the surprise." I knew his birthday was coming up but I wouldn't have remembered it was today if it hadn't been announced on every radio station and ever TV channel. The King of Pop turning the big three-o was a pretty big deal... yeah...

"Well... uh... are you at your place? Could I come there?"

My heart rate quickened suddenly. "Didn't I... um... tell you that I lived with my mom?" I stood up and decided I had better not take any chances of her eavesdropping and stepped outside to smoke. I pushed my hair away from my face as the hot outside air surrounded me.

"Do you think she'd make a big deal of me being there?" he asked softly. I could tell he was trying to keep his voice low too. This top secret affair was becoming quite the thrill... I couldn't help but smile devilishly to myself. My smile quickly disappeared as I registered what he had just asked.

"Yeah... it's not a good idea. I'll meet you there in a few and you can take me wherever you want, baby." I said hoping to distract him from the idea of coming here.

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