Chapter XXVI

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Saturday October 31, 2009 11:15 AM


I took a flight home first thing the morning after my night with Vivian... I barely slept a wink at the hotel. All I could think about was her.

I crashed into my bed after spending the last hour being hounded by my father; hearing over and over again how I wouldn't even be Michael Jackson if it wasn't for him. So, I gave him the money he asked for. Money that could have been used for people in real need.

Funny how less than twelve hours ago, between the liquor and the amazing sex, I was feeling on top of the world - invincible. Now, I felt like I was sitting at the bottom... reduced to nothing by my father's words. I rolled over on my back and stared at the ceiling, feeling the loneliness swallow me up. Sure there were plenty of people I could call and vent to and they'd listen, but did any of them really care? I didn't want to waste anyone's time.

It's a holiday for most people anyways... Everyone would be busy. Vivian was most likely still sleeping. I had no idea what time it would even be or where Arilynn was right now. Oh that's right! I was going to answer her text message as soon as I got home. I didn't want to be caught talking to her in front of Vivian. I didn't want to suffer anymore of her teasing and more importantly I didn't want her thinking that I was becoming unavailable...


Hi, sorry for the late reply. Hope you are having or had a great Halloween as well. I'm with my parents and probably won't be celebrating this year.

Probably was an understatement. We definitely wouldn't be celebrating here. Halloween was the Devil's holiday as far as my parents were concerned. It didn't stop any of my brothers from dressing their children up as various demons and ghouls though. I wasn't sure I was in the mood to fake the politeness and sincerity needed to ask one of them if I could be a part of their family for the evening.

I jolted in surprise as my phone buzzed, and alerted me with a sharp sound.


Understandable. It's kind of overrated and crazy expensive nowadays. $80 to look like a tramp? I can spend $5 in a thrift shop for that. It's getting less and less safe for the children too with people putting crazy stuff in the candies.

I smiled reading her message. Maybe I didn't want to be a part of Halloween this year... She's right. I dialed her number and in a matter of one and a half rings she answered.


I could hear a bit of chatter and music in the background.


There was a pause and I could hear my sister's laughter in the background, then the noise quieted down.

"Sorry. Your sister is having her own private Halloween party with the crew." She said with a laugh. "We're arrived in Poland this morning and they don't even celebrate Halloween here, so we had to make our own."

I laughed again. "Americans..."

She giggled. "Right? Travelling around the world expecting everyone to speak English and just know and follow their customs."

My laughter faded into a soft chuckle. "Yeah... sounds like you're having a lot of fun though."

"Yeah! You should have just travelled with us during your little break instead of running home to your mommy."

I had to pull the phone away from my ear and look at it. Did she just... I could hear her laughing.

"Kidding." She said.

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