Chapter XVIII

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Sunday September 12, 2009 3:15AM


I watched Thrillerboy for a few minutes as he slept. He had one arm up behind his head and the other over his chest. His lips were still parted and his tongue in a position as if he was ready to speak. Dude crashed mid-sentence still ready to beg me to stay... He moaned softly in his sleep and turned his face the other direction like he subconsciously felt me staring at him. A smile tugged at my lips and something else was pulling at my heartstrings... I shook my head. No!  No!!!

He hummed softly again and moved his leg up, bending his knee in the air making a tent in dark blue Egyptian cotton. He turned back to me smacking his lips softly. A restless sleeper... Part of me wanted to just lay back down next to him... hold him... keep him still before he could wake himself up with all that moving around, but I just couldn't.  I can't! My eyes welled up at the thought of another heartbreak. I'd really be setting myself up here... I'm not good enough for Michael Jackson! Hell, I'm just someone he bumped into during a lonely time in his life. Once he hits the road... and now especially since I'd awaken his sexual desires... he'd find some other woman to keep him warm at night.

I gathered up my belongings and got myself dressed. I took one more look back at Michael who was now on his stomach with one foot hanging off the side of the bed. I shook my head, smirking at him.

"Goodbye Moonwalker..." I whispered. "It's been nice doing business with you." I blew him a kiss and made my way out of the hotel. I drove my own car here so there was no need to bug any of Michael's people at this hour. He had snuck into this hotel and used a body double to fool his fans into thinking he'd arrived at his original one. Seriously who can do that?! He can...

I sat down in my car and shut the door. Suddenly it felt like the inside of the car was shrinking... closing in around me. Oh, the anxiety... You should have stayed with him tonight and saw him off in the morning. One side of my mind said and the other was telling me to run. Run far far away and never look back on this experience. I scoffed at his comment. Pick three cities...  As if I could just up and leave the country or even the state like that... I have kids!

I started up my car. I've already spent enough time away from them to make extra time for him. Gone nights without sleep to the point of barely being able to acknowledge them the next day. Michael Jackson is an awesome guy and I'm lucky to have gotten the chance to know the man behind it all even if I couldn't share the experience with anyone. But this has to stop here... I don't think the rules can protect me anymore. One more night like tonight and I'd be sure to fall.

I took off into the night leaving the Vegas lights behind me.

7:30 AM


I.  Slept. Hard.

For all of four hours... I don't think I've ever had a harder time of waking up in the morning than I had this morning. Her touch put me in a state of comatose. I wasn't surprised to find her gone when I woke up. I expected that... I slipped into a silly fantasy of what it would have been like if we were together. I'd wake up, she'd still be here... We'd cuddle and kiss and she'd tell me how much she'd miss me. I'd let her know I'd call every night. Her coming along with me to Havenhurst, sitting next to me as we ate breakfast together with my family and then her seeing me off at the airport. There were several impossible scenarios in this stupid little fantasy such as her being accepted at the family brunch or being seen with me at the airport, but I let myself indulge in it for a while until my assistant came and got me.

I napped on the short flight from Vegas to LA and slept through the drive from the airport to my parent's home. The aroma of the amazing breakfast that was waiting on me there brought my senses alive.

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