Chapter XXXIV

410 29 20

Tuesday December 29th 2009



The constant ringing of my phone brought me out of strange dream I was having. I sat up and snatched it off of my end table knowing exactly who it was. The only person brave enough to dare call me this early in the morning.

"What Thrillerboy." I said as I laid back down in bed with the phone propped up by my ear.

I heard him sigh heavily. "I don't know..."

I laughed softly. "You did not just call me at five in the morning to say that..."

"Oh sorry... it's six here already. I just had to call before the others woke up." He said softly. I could hear the sounds of another person coughing in the background. Well he wasn't alone...

"Who's that?" I asked.

"Bodyguard. We had to drive into town just to get service to call..."

"Oh, well what is it?"

"I almost had sex with the virgin. She's starting to grow on me..." he said it like it was the worst thing that could be happening to him right now. So dramatic...

I laughed out loud. "So?! Go for it. Fall madly in love and make the world sick with your uber-cute-couple-ness."

I rolled my eyes even though she couldn't see me. "There's more to it than that. I still have strong feelings for someone else. How is it even possible for me to start liking someone else this way when I still can't shake the feelings for the first girl? Is this normal?"

I stifled a giggle knowing the 'first girl' was me.

"Uh, yeah... You'll never understand why the heart does what it does, it's just best to go with the flow of things. It obviously isn't going to work out with the first girl, so go for the virgin."

He was quiet for a while. "But it could work out with the first girl... She just needs time to realize I'm all she needs."

I could almost see the silly smirk on his lips. I laughed a little. "Michael, sugarbuns... I don't know any other way to put this than to say it flat out. You and I can't be anything more than friends - low key friends at that. Yeah, okay, the sex was flippin' amazing, but you know we would work better as friends. Being in a relationship is just going to destroy everything we've built. I care about you a lots kiddo, and I wanna see good things happen to ya. This virgin is a good thing, I feel it. Go for it. I'll be here for you if you need any female advice."

He was silent on the other end ad it had me worried that he wasn't buying the fake positivity that I was forcing through the phone.

"You know... I've heard this before. The whole... let's be friends thing. And then slowly that person disappears from my life." He said finally.

"I'm not that person. You know where I work if you need me come find me." I forced a soft laugh.

I heard him sigh softly. "Okay..."


"Yeah. So, I guess I'm doing this thing then... with her."

I laughed loudly again. "Don't just jump right into bed with her. Do it right. Cook her dinner, put on one of those baby making slow jams, slow dance with her and go from there. Oh, and wine. If she's a virgin and she's nervous, make sure she has some wine in her system."

"Oh, okay... Got it, I think..."

"Good, now can I go back to sleep?"

He laughed a little. "No." I heard him shifting around and speak away from the phone telling his driver to head back to the cabin. "You have to stay on with me until we get cut off."

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