Chapter II

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Monday July 13, 2009 9:25 PM


My sister's song ‘Rhythm Nation' blared from my small black iPhone 3G. It vibrated loudly rattling against the glass table. It was Janet calling, hence the ringtone... It had been a little over a month since I had last called her and in our last conversation I was supposed to call her back, but never got around to it. I'd even missed one or two of her calls and had not found the time to return them. I was in a good mood tonight, though...

I skipped out of the bathroom over to the table still drying my hair with one towel and holding another around my waist. I had just taken a long shower after a long 13 hour day of rehearsals. We started at eight in the morning. The first couple days are always hectic. Everyone still trying to figure out their places on the stage, nobody wants to quit until they get it right, but we had plenty of time for that.


"Hi my favorite big brother!" I couldn't tell if she was being sarcastic or just that genuinely glad to speak to me. I just laughed a little.


"How are things?"

The last time we spoke, I was having a bad day and vented to her pretty strongly about how I was fed up with everyone around me making decisions for me and feeling trapped inside my own fame like a caged animal. Tatiana Thumbtzen, a girl who co-starred in my music video ‘The Way you Make me Feel' and I were getting pretty close. I was just getting comfortable enough with her to actually speak to her on a level that was more than just professional. My manager noticed things were getting ‘too comfortable', pulled me aside and told me it needed to stop. She was supposed to be on this tour with me, but she supposedly rejected the offer. Or at least that's what I was told. Janet just told me that if it had been meant to be it would be and I left it at that.

The people around me have been known to lie to me... And when I catch them in a lie they claim it was to protect me. From what? What harm could she have done? Break my heart? I'm human let me learn how to deal with heartbreak. I'm only human... let me make my own mistakes... How else will I learn anything about real life?

"Better..." I answered. "I...uh...I'm sorry I missed your calls. Things have just been really hectic, you know..."

"Yeah! I was getting worried. Actually I'm calling because I wanted to know if I could come watch your rehearsals sometime next week. I have a friend you should really meet."

I groaned internally. This was not a good time. I hated letting audiences see a show in its rough draft state. "Now's... now's not really a good time, sis... Things are still hectic. We rehearsed today for nearly thirteen hours straight. I barely had a moment to breathe much less socialize. Next month would be better, probably."

"Why are you avoiding your family?" I could almost see that adorable pout on my baby sister's face. I envisioned the child version of her. Oh, the memories...

"Dunk..." I laughed lightly. "I'm not avoiding anyone. I'm working. I assure you, I'm fine. If you're gonna go out of your way to come here, come when I can afford to take some time out to spend with you."

She sighed in agreement. "Oh...alright... Well keep in touch, brother. Send a text or something every now and then."

"I will, I promise. I'm truly fine, sis, you needn't worry so much about me."

"I can't help it. You're my big brother and I love you! I miss how close we used to be... This girl I want you to meet, I love being around her because she reminds me so much of how it was when we were close as kids. She's got the same sense of humor and everything." She laughed a little bit and I chuckled with her.

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