Chapter XXVII

330 22 17

Monday November 2, 2009 12:05 AM


I looked back and forth between Michael and my Uncle Tommy; both of their faces were growing paler by the second. I didn't know which one was going to faint first.

Michael began to speak, but only a sputter of syllables came out of his mouth. My uncle's mouth remained hung open in shock. Probably only a matter of about ten seconds went by, but it felt like 10 hours as I continued to look back and forth between them.

"What in...God's creation bring you to Vincent's?" my uncle finally asks in an astonished voice. "Excuse me, sorry... I uh... I'm the owner, Tommy Vincent." He said extending his chubby hand to Michael. I could hear Michael take a loud gulp from where I stood and watched him slowly take my uncle's hand.

He blinked his large eyes once and it was like he transformed into someone else. He stood up a little straighter and took a confident step forward. "Nice to meet you, sir."

"God... it's an honor!" my uncle said chuckling like an idiot and continuing to shake Michael's hand longer than he really needed to.

"Thank you." Michael said in tone like he was talking to a fan. He glanced at me, smirking a little bit.

I hope he knew the right things to say to get out of this situation, because I sure didn't. I was too thrown off by emotions to put my usual quick thinking to work.

"I uh... have been spending a lot of time in Vegas and sometimes I just like to escape to quiet places like Fairview and pretend to be normal. No one in your bar seemed to recognize me so, I've been able to safely hang out here and enjoy feeling like a human. Please, I beg of you, don't tell anyone?" Michael looked down at my uncle with his big pleading eyes. If my uncle was a woman he'd melt to the ground by now.

"W-w-why of course! You're secret is safe with me, Mr. Jackson!" he yelled out. I rolled my eyes and began to snicker behind his back. Michael pressed his lips together trying not to laugh too.

"Thank you so much, sir." Michael said with a bit of laughter in his voice. "I was actually just leaving, as Miss Leverenz, let me know that she is closing early tonight." His eyes flickered to my face for a second, his lips were tight, holding back a smile.

"Yeah... I was just coming by to tell you to go ahead and close up. It's dead tonight - probably wasting more money keeping the lights on." My uncle said finally turning to me. The color had returned to his face and he seemed more at ease. "Well, it was a truly a blessing to meet you, sir."

"The pleasure is all mine and I'm sure we'll meet again." Michael said giving me a look. "Goodnight everyone." He said waving to the both of us before turning away to his vehicle without another word.

My phone vibrated almost as soon as his car rolled off of the lot.


I'm leaving for Australia soon. This conversation isn't over and I'd like to finish it in person.

I discretely checked my phone while my uncle stood staring at empty spot Michael's car was just in. He finally snapped out of it and looked over at me.

"Vivian you've got some explaining to do. How long has he been coming here?!"

I tucked my phone quickly back into my purse and beamed a guilty smile at him. This same guilty smile used to get me out of all kinds of trouble when I was kid - I was so adorable, but would it work now?

"Um... I don't know! I just kind of figured it out a couple weeks...ago...." I said. "...or months." I mumbled scratching the side of my neck nervously.

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