Chapter VII

383 24 2

Sunday August 9, 2009 2:00AM


1.     You will always wear a glove

2.     No kissing

3.     No hand holding

4.     No sleepovers, cuddling, etc...

5.     No talking about the future

6.     You will not pay me

7.     No getting too clingy ( Jealousy = NO)

8.     NO FEELINGS Period (L Bombs = NO)

Sign here_________

I looked over the piece of paper carefully as she handed it to me. She had scribbled the rules down on some hotel stationary. Her writing was curly and cute... I cleared my throat after sitting the paper down on the table. We sat across from each other at the small table inside of the tiny hotel room. There was one full sized bed in the middle, a dresser and this table and that was all. It was a pretty dull compared to what I was used to. The comforter was a brown color, the walls were beige... and the carpet was brown. Pretty much described the sex we would be having... empty... no feeling. Not really the way I had imagined going out...

"Can I ask you one thing?" I said quietly looking over the rules again.

"Mmhm, but then I'm going to add in number nine: No asking questions." She laughed a little and I knew she was just messing with me as I've gotten accustomed to. She was sitting back casually with her legs crossed, swinging one stiletto clad foot slightly, looking me up and down. This moment just entered my top five most nerve wrecking moments...

"Why are you doing this? What's in this for you? I mean... this just seems too..."

"That's two things." She quipped and I turned to her with a deadpan look on my face. She laughed and then breathed a heavy sigh.

"Well... seems too what? Too easy? Dollface, in the real world it is this easy." She said with a shrug. "You want the experience. I wanna get laid. It's a win-win both ways. It's that simple."

Is it really that simple? I bowed my head slightly.

My mother raised me to be a God fearing man... and I knew he was watching me from the heavens with a scowl on his face right now. I always dreamed I'd be faithfully waiting until marriage before laying down with anyone. Despite the path my brothers took, I thought I was different from them. But I am no different. God please forgive me... I'm just a flawed human just like the rest of the world... This temptation is just too great... Please forgive me...

"Well?" Vivian's voice broke through my internal praying.

I had almost forgot my part of the deal. I sat up a little lifting my rear off the seat far enough to pull the folded up paper from my pocket. I did not even attempt to look her in the face as I unfolded the paper and sat it in front of her.

"What's this?" I heard the sound of paper moving as she snatched it up. I hung my head to ashamed to say... I can't trust you. I need you to sign this so that I know I'm safe from any reputational damage. It was a slap in the face to most people around me and it could end a friendship or a romantic relationship before it started, but it was just something I had to do... "Michael." She prompted firmly.

"If you want me to sign these rules... I will need you to sign mine... If we can agree, then well..." I swallowed hard and forced myself to meet her eyes with mine. "I'm in."

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