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do not continue if uncomfortable.


I'm squeezing my brain so hard right now studying my notes and books. Finals are coming and I can't risk failing, not over my dead body.

Keith came into the room after answering a phone call. And speaking of him, countless sex has been done and he still doesn't want to give me grades so easily. I need to pass the exam, he said.

"Vienne, are you busy?" he called and I turned around at him for a second then went to facing my papers.

"Kind of. Just stocking knowledge for the upcoming finals," I answered as I scribble down some words.

"But that's 2 weeks away? You still have a lot of days to do that," he said.

I scoffed and faced him again.

"Do you even know I'm a scholar at school?" I asked him.

One wrong answer, I'll punch your face, pretty boy.

"Of course, I do. I just want to know if you would like to come with me for an errand?" he said and I stared at him confused.

He wants me to come for something that someone asked him to do? Interesting.

"Sure, why not. Do I have to change my clothes?" I asked as I stood up and showed him my oversized pink hoodie since he's wearing a printed polo shirt tucked in his pants and silver necklaces and rings. He looks expensive.

"You don't have to. You look cute," he answered and I smiled at him before getting my phone on top of the study table.

I followed him outside, locked the house, and got in the car. 

"Where are we going?" I asked as I check my reflection on my phone and fixed my hair.

"I have to check a new apartment," he answered as we leave the garage.

"That's for someone, right? You're not moving, are you?" I asked, getting suspicious.

"Maybe," he answered shortly. I stared at him to search for a hint of sarcasm but he just looks so good and calm today, can't read him.

"I think I have to visit my parents sometime," I told him out of nowhere and my fingers start to fidget.

I don't know why I'm nervous saying that, not at what would Keith respond but the fact that I'm gonna do it.

"Of course, you should. They're your parents after all. Want me to come with you? You know, inform them that you're under my care," he suggested which I thought is a really good idea.

"Yes, please," I answered and he just smiled as a reply.

I have to tell my parents that I'm doing good and I'm handling myself well, that I'm going to college and I can support myself with Keith helping. Although disowning me means disowning me, they're still my parents and I'm grateful that they raised me.

Short drama but, maybe I really should make at least one thing right and well in my life.

We arrived at his destination and parked the car by the parking lot. We got off and walk side by side under the blazing sun to enter the huge building. It's a luxurious condominium building that I've probably just stare at with fascination every time I stroll in this part of the city.

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