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It's almost 12 midnight and I can't still escape the gossips from the old people surrounding me and even if I try to, dad's gaze is fixated on me. He even stood between me and Kiefer while having conversations with his business partners.

I got myself another glass of champagne and Kiefer was approaching me.

"Eager to leave, Cinderella?" he said and got himself a glass of champagne as well.

"As if you're not?" I said and took a sip from my glass.

"We agreed on taking over the business, this is more important to me now," he added and it's not even a bit of convincing.

"Don't bullshit me, Kiefer. And who said we agreed on it? I haven't and I need more time to think about it. I can't just drop being a teacher," I reasoned him.

"Oh, yeah. There's that job of yours that I almost forgot. I really don't understand why you chose to be a teacher. I never imagined you as one and it honestly surprised us," he blurted out as he finished his champagne in one gulp.

I also finished mine and put the empty glass on a table. I'm gonna leave now and no one can stop me.

"I'll go first, Kiefer." I informed my brother and tapped his shoulder.

"You're really leaving now, huh? Don't worry, I'll cover you up if dad asks for you," he said and I knew he meant it.

He can be an asshole sometimes but he's trustworthy when it comes to teaming up against dad.

This time, I asked for a car to get out of the mansion's premises. I don't want to waste time and I want to go home as soon as possible. It's our first day in our new apartment and I left Vienne all alone. Maybe I need to make up for that.

I took off my suit and adjusted the ribbon loose. It's been a while since I wore these kind of clothes. Old times, I guess.

"Just drop me off by the gate," I told the driver and he nodded in response.

Once we arrived at the gate, I got off and walked to where my car is. I decided to call Vienne first to check on him and maybe he'd want something while I'm still out.

"Hey, baby. How are you?" I asked as soon as he answered the phone.

"I'm good. I'm getting familiar with our new place. How about you? Are you on your way home?" he asked and I felt refreshed hearing his voice.

"Yes, I am. Do you want anything on the way?" I asked as I started the car's engine.

"Nope. Just you," he said adorably.

God, what am I going to do with this guy?

"I'll be there, baby," I told him and ended our call.

The car almost went flying as I rushed to go home. I probably reached the speed limit of the road I'm taking and I don't care. It's the middle of the night anyway, I'm sure no one would mind.


I'm thinking what I should post since I've been enjoying being active on Cream lately. Money and attention? I'm absolutely here for that.

I guess I'll just post the video I took when I was masturbating while on Keith's shirt a while ago. I just had a feeling I should take a video while I'm enjoying myself and I'm still wearing the shirt right now.

I heard the door unlocked and I quickly stood up to meet Keith at the door.

His clothes are totally different now from when he left the apartment. His black suit hung on his arm and his tie is just hanging around his neck as well, the first button of his shirt is open. He looks tired but he still looks hot.

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