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Vienne was making himself a glass of milk when the phone beside him dinged for a notification. It was K's phone.

"K, you have an email. It might be important," Vienne shouted from the kitchen to let Keith know as he was taking a shower.

"Could you read it for me, love?" Keith replied from the bathroom.

Vienne shrugged his shoulders as he unlocked K's phone, already familiar with the passcode.

"It says it's a business proposal... and it'll be held in... Maldives?" Vienne was surprised by the words he was reading. It was too professional and overwhelming for someone like him to read. He's not a formal type of a guy.

K eventually got out of the bathroom and gently took the phone from Vienne, checking the email himself.

"Ah, yes. The business trip in Maldives. Should we go?" K asked Vienne.

Vienne was taken aback by his boyfriend's question, thinking why is he asking him.

"That's your business, I have nothing to do with that," Vienne said walking away and sipping from his milk.

"I'm asking you if you want to–" K didn't even have to finish his words because Vienne already got it.

"Yes, yes, I want to come. I'm sure you'll just use me as an excuse for not going if I don't want to come with you so yes, I want to go to the Maldives, although I don't even know how that works," Vienne just gave in. He doesn't want to be the reason why K lost a business proposal knowing that his work is too important.

"Alright, let's get ready," K said continuing to his room to get dressed.

"We're leaving? Already?!" Vienne just can't help being surprised with the information he's receiving.

"Yeah, they just sent the email right now and the business proposal is tomorrow. Do you want to change your mind?" K continued preparing his clothes he's going to wear tonight.

"Dude, what the fuck?!" Vienne rushed to his own room and took out a luggage from the walk-in closet and started stuffing it with clothes. His time is too limited to pick clothes he'd want to wear for the whole week in the Maldives.

'Does his business partners think he lives in Africa? Why would they send their notice at this hour. It's 9 pm, for Pete's sake!' Vienne thought as he rushed his stuff. He grabbed a tote bag to put his phone and other things and then he was ready to go.

"This is so random," Vienne said as he got out of his room meeting K by the living room.

"I'm sorry. I didn't expect it too," K reached for a hug.

"I promise I'll let you do whatever you want when we get there," K continued as he swayed Vienne back and forth.

"I've never been overseas and this is so rushed. Do we even have plane tickets? Or do we have to get them first? It will take a long time to get them and you won't be there on time for your business trip. I wish your business partners informed you firsthand," Vienne reasoned as he hugged back K.

"Don't worry we'll get there on time. And who said about plane tickets? I have a private jet just for you," K said like it was the most natural thing ever. Vienne paused, completely frozen.

Vienne let go from their hug.

"You don't mean it, do you?" Vienne asked as K took their luggage out. Vienne followed as he waited for a response but K was just grinning.

"Oh my god, you're serious. Are you serious? I can't believe this. Turns out I really don't know you! K, promise me you'll tell me everything I don't know about you. I can't live a lie, okay?" Vienne was being hysterical at this point. K locked their apartment and they proceeded to the elevator.

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