Traitor (AADIH drabble part 1)

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A/N: this isn't apart of the main storyline, I had this idea for the plot but wasn't sure how to make it work so I scrapped it. HOWEVER, I really like the idea so it'll be a fun little angsty side Drabble unless I can work it into the plot. Until then, I hope to crush your hearts 🥰. (Also if the format is ass I wrote this on my phone, so- and this will only be 2 or 3 parts!)
3rd Person P.O.V.
It had been a good two and a half years since the group of seven had found the bunker, and since then that group of seven had grown into a group of 28. These newer members had come from all over, whether it had been small groups of three or four struggling to survive or a family with children just trying to get by. Currently, the newest additions had been from a nearby farming village, who were looking to trade with others and just so happened to find the bunker and realize that one of their members could be of great use to a specific pair there.

For the more recent half of the year, Liz and Koa had been training with another Ace named William, who just so happened to come from the farming village. He knew just how to help them better their abilities and teach them how to use the ones they all shared properly, but little did Koa and Liz know that it would come at a price.

You see, the military group that the original seven teens had encountered years prior had never went away, they had just found their own place to build their empire and expand their reign of control. When William had come to the farming village looking for refuge, he was actually a scout, looking for valuable members for his 'group.' William knew they were using him because of his Ace capabilities, since the make-shift militia's only want was to beat the game no matter the cost, but he believed he had no better purpose anyways. They had found William and bent him to their will, making him the militia's 'prized possession' but also their personal super weapon.

Since Aces were said to be necessary to beat the game, the military group viewed them as collectibles. Create a big and strong group, kill as many zombies and people that don't bend your way, and find as many Aces as you can and they'll lead you to victory. He was around the age of everyone in the original seven teen's group from the bunker, so most were quick to want to relate to him and be his friend in this hellish world. That leads us to where we are now, with William having both Liz and Koa trained to be fine soldiers but also everyone wrapped around his finger, no one suspecting a thing.

Well, all except one person; Justin. He was an exception to the scenario, one of the head militia leaders having his eye on the boy for some time. Justin would have no issue joining a group that would get everyone out of the game and save them, but he knew his friends wouldn't. He knew his friends could see how harmful the group really was, which is something he turned a blind eye to, claiming to be 'looking at the bigger picture.' Justin would be accepted into the group with no objections, but only with one catch: help the military group capture the Aces without any suspicion from his group. Become a traitor. (Dude, I really have to come up with better names besides 'military group' and 'bunker group').

Today was the day that this would happen, Justin agreeing to the terms and services. William was unknowing that it was happening today, since he was at the farming village helping out. One of the leaders in the military group believed that William would be upset that his 'friends' were being taken unwillingly, let alone the ones he had grown closest to while training. They made sure he was in the dark about the situation, but that he would come be 'collected' after it all occurred so he could be used once again.

               Liz's P.O.V. / a little bit of 3rd P.O.V.
          I was training with Koa in the forest, farther away from the bunker so we didn't accidentally damage any crops or fencing or anything of the sorts. William was busy at the farming village, but since Koa liked to train a little bit everyday I decided to take him out and let him practice sparring with me.

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