An Apocalypse Dream I had

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         A/N: So for anyone else that reads this, it was mostly for the people in it to read I just needed a place to post it! But uh, this first part was for all of you, since you'd all be kind of confused if I just posted it with no context or explanation? The first 4 parts were real dreams I had, the rest I'm making up as I go because it's kind of fun at this point! Anything titled AADIH is apart of this series, just to throw that out there! XOXOXO <3


           It started out as a video game like SAO, but it was about the apocalypse. Justin, Yoel, and I had loaded into a game, trying to survive zombies and players both. At first it was going well, we had decent guns and we found a good neighborhood to loot, until a group of players brought a horde of zombies towards us. 

          "Dude are you fucking serious?" Justin groaned, opening the door to a two story house in the neighborhood and ushering me inside. Yoel was already at the top of the stairs just waiting since I had been trying to see who the players were.

          "What if they were newbies and we could've helped them?" I asked, getting a pistol out and making sure all of the windows in the house were covered. The zombies could be heard getting closer and panicked communicating of the other team could be heard as well. 

          "I'm not losing my rank to stupid kids, thank you." Justin snapped, "Besides, it looks they made it into the house two houses down." 

          "So I guess we just wait here until the herd passes? If so I think we should secure it more." Yoel piped in, standing up from the top of the stairs and walking down to stand with us. 

          "Yeah, I'll go to that workbench and make some reinforcements for the walls, Liz you watch the windows from up top, Yoel I'll give you the reinforcements to set up." We all nodded before going to do our own separate things. The upstairs consisted of a long hallway with a window at the end, two bedrooms at the beginning of the hallway and two bedrooms at the end of the hallway along with a bathroom in between the two bedrooms on the right. The last bedroom on the left was a master bedroom with a bathroom inside. The smell was horrid up here.

          "Ugh, Yoel did you not smell this? What the fuck is that?" I called downstairs, making sure not to be too loud but loud enough so they could hear me. "Did we even check this house?" 

          "Yeah we checked this house! The only houses we didn't get to check were on the other side of the neighborhood." Justin responded, my question about the smell being lost in the wind.

          I opened all the bedroom doors, my pistol out just in case Justin was wrong. The first room on the right was a little girls room, colored pink. The window was wide open, with nothing to cover it. I walked over to it, quietly closing it before grabbing the blanket off of the bed and throwing it over the window. The first room on the left was another girls room, this one covered in various posters and painted a light blue. This window was blood splattered and cracked, but the curtains were still up so I just closed them before leaving the room and going to the last room on the right. This room was a boys room, painted a dark blue with black everything else in the room. The window in this room was completely gone, shattered as the wind howled and the groans from the zombies in the streets below could be easily heard. I couldn't hang up a blanket anywhere, so I just left it alone and quietly shut the door and moved onto the master bedroom on the left. 

          This room was torn apart. I turned on the earpiece I was wearing, no longer feeling comfortable with yelling throughout the house now that the zombies were right outside. "Justin, are we sure that we checked this house? Give me one detail from this master bedroom!" I said into the mic, waiting for a response before proceeding.

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