Late Night, Early Morning (AADIH #12)

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It was around 9 P.M. and everyone had just gotten done eating, the guys having been back for a few hours now. Olivia and Zoe were teaching Koa how to play slap jack at the table while Justin and River were cleaning guns. Yoel and Liz had both gone to their separate rooms, since the bunker had plenty 'bedrooms' so the teens could each have their own. Koa too, of course.

"Why do you slap only the jack?" Koa asked both girls, watching as Olivia placed a card down with her other hand ready to slam down on the table at any moment.

"Because it's the point of the game, hence why it's called slap jack and not slap queen or something like that." Zoe replied, placing her card down and motioning for the boy to place his own card down.

"I like it, it's fun." Koa smiled as he placed his card down, Olivia now placing her next card down as she nodded.

"Hey, do you guys know if Liz and Yoel kept their pistols on them? We have all of the other guns, just not theirs." Justin called from the living room floor, to which both Olivia and Zoe shrugged.

"I have no clue, but I can go check?" Olivia offered, and River shook his head.

"I got it sis, keep playing your game." He said, pushing himself up off of the floor, careful not to step on any gun parts or knock over any liquid as he walked passed the stairs and down the hallway that led to all of the rooms. He first walked to the second room on the right, the one with the number '3' on it, and knocked.

"Yeah?" Yoel answered, and River opened the door and peeked his head in, holding the doorknob to keep him steady.

"Hey, do you have your pistol? Justin and I are cleaning all the guns and we don't have yours." River looked around the dimly lit room, his eyes barely adjusting as he found Yoel lying on his bed staring up at the roof with his arms behind his head.

"Yeah I have it, but I'll clean it later if you don't mind." He responded, taking River back a tiny bit before he shrugged and slowly nodded.

"Alright dude, and hey, do you know if Liz has hers?" River questioned once again, to which Yoel shrugged.

"Probably." Was all he said, so River nodded again before closing the door quietly and walking down three more doors until he got to a door labeled '9' also on the right. He knocked, earning the response of "Come in!" from Liz.

"Hey Liz, Justin and I were cleaning guns and we didn't have your pistol. Do you happen to have i- are you okay?" River walked fully into the room after he realized the girl's hand was bleeding, some glass on the floor beside the desk most likely being the reason as she was squatting beside it.

"Huh? What do you mean?" She asked, her face showing confusion as he squatted next to her and pointed at her left hand.

"Your hand is bleeding. Are you okay?"

"Oh, I didn't notice. I'm fine, it probably just got cut on the glass. My pistol is on the nightstand if you want to grab it." Liz waved it off, a small smile on her face as River nervously glanced at her before nodding and getting up, walking over to the nightstand and grabbing the pistol. When he turned around he watched Liz use her left hand to grab the desk and hoist herself off of the floor. He winced for her, but she showed no signs of even feeling it at all.

"Are you sure you're okay? You just used that hand to pick yourself up and didn't even flinch, is there still glass in it?" River insisted, before his eyes widened in realization. "You should go see Yoel."

"What? Why? Glass just cut it, that's all. It's fine, really." Liz attempted to play it off as she waved her hands out in front of her, but River caught a glimpse of something shiny still in her hand and he shook his head.

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