Traitor Part 2

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3rd P.O.V.
It had been two weeks since the last raid, everyone in the military group asleep in their rooms while the teens at the bunker stayed up devising their plan.

          "So in summary; tomorrow night we go in to where they're sleeping, just somehow grab them both, get out, and then meet the rest of our group to relocate at another town that the farming village knows?" Olivia explained, seeming stressed. River and Yoel nodded, holding out a map of the military base.

          "We have all of the tiny details of the plan figured out, and remember William gave us this and said he'd help us from the inside." Zoe added on, pointing at parts of the map. "We already know that's where they sleep and we have a path on how to get there, you don't need to be so nervous."

           "I know, I'm just... what if this is another trap from William? Or Justin? I can't stop thinking..."

           "Listen Liv, even if it is a trap we'll blow the whole place up if we have to. We have the stuff to do it and William told us everyone there was basically a piece of shit anyways. I know you're scared he's lying about everything, but a piece of shit knows who another piece of shit is." River tried to comfort his sister, but he just earned an eye roll in response.

           "I think what he means to say is we have the ability to save them even if it all goes south, so don't worry." Yoel restated, and Olivia nodded with a small sigh.

          "Now, I think we all need a full nights rest tonight since we'll be up tomorrow night, so after checking on everyone else I'm going to sleep and you guys should do the same." Zoe announced, getting up with Olivia following slowly behind her to go to sleep. "Goodnight, guys."

Liz had been up with Koa all night, comforting him from his nightmare. Of course she had to sneak to his room, but that was besides the point. She was just going to check on him when she had realized Koa had woken up from a nightmare and was really distraught.

"Shh, you're okay. I'm right here and I'm not going anywhere, alright?" She held the boy as best as she could in her lap, although he wasn't as small as he used to be as he cried. She stroked his hair, doing everything in her power to calm him down. After a few minutes or so of this Liz began humming, and that seemed to calm Koa down. After about 7 minutes or so he was already beginning to doze back off.

Liz left the room quietly, making sure to avoid where she knew guards were stationed in the hallways as she walked back to her room. Halfway there though, someone whispered a 'hey!' at the girl, causing her to let out a frustrated sigh and turn around. To her surprise, and annoyance, it was Justin.

"What do you want?" The girl hissed, crossing her arms in annoyance. Justin walked towards her, swinging the automatic gun he had been holding onto his back.

"You know you're not supposed to be out of your room, is something wrong?" He asked, which caused her to scoff.

"Why don't you just report me to your commander? You don't care if something's wrong. Now, if you're not gonna report me, I'm going back to bed," Liz turned around to continue walking before her former friend grabbed her arm.

"Look, I don't know how many times I have to apologize but I'm sorry, okay? This is for the better though! We're going to find a way to get out of this game!" Justin tried to reconcile with the girl, which only worsened her mood.

"That's cute Justin, but fuck you and fuck off." Liz pulled away, watching the hurt expression flash across the boy's face before he furrowed his eyebrows.

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