I Like Trains Pt. 3 :) (AADIH 7)

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          I woke up in a cold sweat, jerking up quickly and meeting the concerned eyes of the entire group. I was breathing heavily, my heart beating fast as I looked at my friends and took in the familiar surroundings of the train car before calming down a bit. I heard light breathing beside me, and I looked down to see Koa's sleeping form curled up beside me.

          "Glad you're awake, what the fuck happened?" Justin bombarded, earning a flick behind the ear from Zoe.

          "She just woke up, she probably doesn't even know." 

          "We touched hands and there was a green spark, then the memory thing that happened with Simon happened again. I don't know what happened after that though." I answered, looking through the crack of the door at the still darkened sky. 

          "What memory thing with Simon? Who's Simon? I would like to be filled in on this later." Olivia chipped in, and I lightly smiled before rubbing my face. 

          "Dude, you both weren't talking and froze for like, two minutes, then just collapsed. Yoel had to use one of his perks to make sure you guys weren't dying or anything like that." River stated and everyone nodded. 

          "You've been out for about 7 hours, it's around 4 in the morning. No one could sleep because they were worried." Yoel informed and Justin cracked his knuckles.  

          "Now that I know you're not dead and it's probably just an Ace thing, I'm going to sleep. Goodnight." And with that, the dirty blonde haired male disappeared behind some crates in the back of the car. We all rolled our eyes before turning back to eachother.

           "You guys can go to sleep if you want to, I'm fine. I'll stay up and be here whenever Koa wakes up." I reassured.

           "I'll explain the Simon situation to Olivia and River, you and Yoel can help with details and then we will." I nodded in response to Zoe and began to scoot away from Koa so my talking didn't wake him up until I heard a small whimper come from his sleeping form.  

          "He was doing that until we put him next to you, poor baby." Olivia frowned, and I moved back to where I was beside the child and raised a hesitant hand to his hair, before running my fingers lightly through it. His whimpers soon subsided, and I looked at my group with a smile on my face as they watched with smiles of their own. 


          It was now around 6 A.M., the sky outside beginning slightly lighten as the sun rose. I was looking outside of the now half opened car door that I sat next to, my back against the wall with Koa's head in my lap as I gently ran my hand through his hair. Everyone had mostly fallen asleep, except for Yoel who sat in the half opened doorway criss crossed, leaning back on his hands with his eyes closed. We sat in a nice silence, really just enjoying the breeze and knowing the fact that 1, we weren't alone and 2, we weren't dead yet.

          "Hey," Yoel began, breaking the silence and opening his eyes to look out at the landscape. "Can I ask you a question?" 

          "Sure," I responded as I observed his body language. He didn't move really, only scan the scene outside with his eyes leading me to believe he wasn't nervous, which was a good thing. None of my friends should be nervous to ask me a question.

          "What did you see?" He looked over at me now, and I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion before he elaborated more about his question. "Like, what did you see when you touched Koa?" 

          "Oh..." I trailed off, no longer catching his eye and instead looking down at the boy in question as he peacefully slept. He must've not slept in days, the bags under his eyes were massive and he didn't stir when I picked him up to move him next to the door. "I saw his parents die."

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