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          It had been a day since Marie died and the big argument broke out, and I was going back to the town today. I had buried Marie's body under the tree house without any help, putting yellow and purple flowers on top of the grave along with carving her name into the tree. The only words I had spoken to Justin or Yoel were to make sure nobody was dead, so basically it was a check in through the earpiece every few hours. I was packing up my stuff, shoving various items into a black bookbag I found in a house while exploring. Justin had apologized, and I wasn't still mad about the argument, I was just scared about what the man said. Did they really think I couldn't defend myself? Was I only still in their group because I was an Ace and I was valuable? Was I really the cause of Marie's death?

          I shook my head, finishing up putting stuff in the backpack and stepping out of the house I had stayed in for the night and into the hot sun outside. I sighed, looking around the streets before beginning my walk to the front of the town. I had found a couple things that I thought my friends would like, and I was excited to see their reactions for whenever I came back and gave the items to them. I was also looking around for more flowers to put on Marie's grave before I left. As I walked down the quiet street, enjoying the slight breeze and the hot sun, I heard a car engine in the distance. I looked around quickly, seeing a gas station further down the street and running to it, swinging the glass door open and squatting behind the front counter.

           The smell of burning rubber followed by the squealing of tires ensued, and I peeked over the counter to see a dark blue car spin out of control and hit a wooden fence, lighting on fire almost immediately after. I heard a boy scream, and I watched the driver door open and a boy around my age throw himself out of the flaming car, scrambling to get up and running in my direction.

          "Shit shit shit!" I could hear him panicking, before the jingle of the gas station door opening sounded and I made eye contact with the boy, both of us pulling our guns.

          "I think you should put your gun away and get behind the counter." I warned, cocking my gun. His car would blow up at any given moment, and besides, I still had no bullets in my gun. 

          "And why is that?" He remarked with a snooty attitude, and I rolled my eyes before hearing a hissing noise and dropping behind the counter once more, covering my head. He followed regardless, ducking beside me and following my movements as the car he had came from blew up. Debris went everywhere, some glass shattering on the gas station windows as I curled up more, making sure I was covered by the countertop. After a few minutes, zombies could be heard crowding around the car and I sighed in relief before stretching and getting into a crouching position, looking at the boy. He had ash blonde hair and green eyes, freckles and a scrawny frame, leading me to believe that even though he was taller than me I could easily take him in a fight if needed.

          "That's why, dumbass. You're welcome." I answered his question from before in a low tone, careful not to alert the zombies that there were people around. The kid stared at me before beginning to stand up, causing me to yank him back down by his shirt hastily. "What the fuck are you doing? Do you not hear those things out there!" 

          "They're distracted, it's fine. Quit pulling on me." The boy snarled, and my eyes widened as a zombie appeared behind him, getting ready to sink its teeth into his shoulder. I pulled him towards me, causing him to fall on the floor where I previously sat as I tackled the zombie, pulling my knife from my boot and stabbing it in the head. 

          "What was that? I just saved your ass, how did you not hear him behind you?" I scolded, offering my hand to help him up as we then began crawling to the back of the gas station, looking for a back door. At least, that's what I was doing, I guess this kid was just following me now. 

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