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     //TW: Mentions of attempted suicide//

            Currently, I was having a heated argument in the middle of the forest with Justin, who was being a moody asshole to myself and Yoel.

           "All I asked you to do was go blow off some steam in the town! Go break shit or kill zombies instead of taking it out on the people that help you survive, you prick!" I yelled at the teen, who was standing in front of me and glaring at me with his hands in his pockets.

          "Yeah? It's too damn far to just go over there and make all of that noise! Quit being so sensitive and maybe this wouldn't happen! Yoel didn't care about what I said because he's not a crybaby like you!" Justin was fuming, beginning to pace back and forth now. I had no idea where our other teammate had went off to, he was probably taking our stuff from the shack and over to the church we found farther into the woods. Justin and I were quite a distance away from both, so I didn't expect him to be anywhere nearby, at least.

          "I don't give a shit if he cared, I give a shit about how you treat people when you're upset! Just because you're upset doesn't give you the right to bash on someone's capabilities and personality! We've been a team for how fucking long? Three months?! Cut the shit and quit being a dick!" I kicked a rock, trying to hide the fact that I was so mad that I was shaking. Justin stopped pacing and walked towards me, standing over me and just looking down at me. "What?"

          "Shut the fuck up." He seethed, and I took a step back as he just stood there, watching me. 

          "You're mad because I'm right. You're a dick to people who only want whats best for you because you don't know how else to control your anger." I countered, and he took a step towards me as I took another step back. "What the fuck are you doing?"

          "I said shut the fuck up, someone else is here!" Justin warned before lunging towards me, tackling me to the ground just as shots rang throughout the air. He then turned on his mic on his earpiece after making sure I was covered. "Yoel, where are you? Did you hear those shots? Do you have eyes on them?" 

          I covered my head as more shots rang out, bullets hitting the ground around us. We both got up fast, bolting into completely opposite directions. "I was at the church, I heard them. Are you guys okay? Where are you?" 

         I ducked as a bullet went over my head, and I dove over a fallen tree and somersaulted    before getting up fast and continuing to run. 

          "Shit, okay. Liz and I were East from the shack, in the clearing. Someone shot and we got separated, Liz where are you?!" Justin's response came in from the headset with yelling and gunfire in the background.

          Before I could respond the trail I was running fell off onto a hill next to a wide open street, the street right next to the town that was just outside of the forest. Men were yelling behind me, and I made the hasty decision to slide down the hill and run across the street. A zombie came out from an abandoned car, tripping me. I landed hard on the asphalt face first, before flipping myself over and kicking the undead corpse in the head. I could see the forest edge that I had just came from, and there were two men and a woman standing there with guns trained on me. One of them must've seen the mark just below my eye though, because they weren't shooting me immediately. I guessed correctly as I saw the woman elbow the guy next to her, pointing below her right eye then pointing at me. He looked back and me as his eyes widened, and without a second thought I got up and took off into the town.

          "Liz? Are you okay?" Yoel's voice from the earpiece startled me as I ran through the streets of the town, shoving arms of the dead out of my face as I looked for a building to hide in.

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