Connor Pt. 1

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Lizz's P.O.V.

It's been a month since the android's peaceful protest, and even though it's been a month and all androids were given equal rights, some people still have issues with androids. Hank, Connor, and I still worked on android cases after all of this, and there was still a lot of them. They were ranging from violent people attacking androids because they still thought they didn't deserve rights to androids being treated unfairly. Either way, we worked on those cases and some homicide cases as well. Connor was deviant, and he alternated between mine and Hank's houses every other week for living.

I had just gotten home from work at 6. It was a Friday night and Connor had came with me because Hank had some errands to run and Connor didn't really want to be at his house bored and alone(It was Hank's week). When I walked through the door, my beautiful German Shepherd Husky mixed dog Willow greeted me. She jumped on me, licking my face and wagging her tail excitedly. After I pushed her down, she did the same to Connor. I went to go set my stuff down in my room and then went upstairs to the 'family room,' where my kids were playing ping pong.

"Mommy!" My son Sammy called, running up to me and hugging me. I ruffled his hair and kissed his forehead as my daughter, Ellie, came up to hug me as well. I heard Connor coming up the stairs, to which Sammy darted over to him and hugged him too.

"How was school love?" I asked Ellie. She's 16 and in 11th grade at Western International high School, while Sammy is 9, in fourth grade at Novi Woods Elementary School. "It was okay mom, how was work? Any new interesting cases?" She asked after greeting Connor.

"No not really, besides a man shoving Connor while we were going out to lunch. Hank punched him, though. Speaking of Hank, we're going to have dinner with him and Sumo tonight, I thought we'd bring Willow along too." I replied, Ellie following Connor and I downstairs while Sammy sat on Connor's shoulders.

"That sounds great! When are we leaving?" She asked. "I was thinking around 8, I'm going to make a cake and he was running errands after work." She nodded and went to the kitchen where Sammy was making celery sticks with peanut butter on them with Connor.

"Lizz? We need to go to the store to get eggs and icing for the cake." Connor said, and tossed me my car keys. "No problem. Does anyone want to come with me?" I asked, and Sammy ran over to me with his celery and Willow's leash.

"I want to, mom! Can we bring Willow too? Pleeaasseee!" He begged and Willow began hopping around excitedly.

"Of course hun, Ellie! Can you and Connor clean up the kitchen and get all the other things that we need out please?" I clipped Willow's leash on her and let Sammy hold her, and Ellie and Connor both responded with an 'on it.'

Once I got Sammy and Willow into the car, I got into the front and started it up. I had a manual car because I loved to drive and there was no way I would let someone else do it for me. I turned on the radio and rolled down the window halfway for Willow to stick her head outside of. Her tail was wagging and her tongue was out, looking as happy as ever. Sammy was kicking his feet to the music and petting Willow.

It was a short drive to the store, and once we got there Willow happily hopped out and waited for Sammy to grab her leash. She was a trained K-9 for the DPD so she is very smart and well trained, but now that we have androids there wasn't really a need for K-9's anymore. Despite that, Captain Fowler still lets me bring her to work and use her in-field if we ever need her. She's three years old.

Sammy was holding Willow's leash as we walked into the store, the androids at the cash registers paying me no mind. Sammy grabbed Sour Patch Kids since they were his favorite and Peanut Butter M&M's for Ellie. I smiled as he put them into the basket, him running ahead and handing Willow's leash to me. "Excuse me ma'am?"

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