Connor Pt. 2

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           Lizz's P.O.V.

       I woke up the next morning feeling arms wrapped around me. I began mentally panicking, until I remembered last night. I calmed down and looked up, seeing Connor's eyes closed and his LED off. He looked so peaceful, and really cute. I rolled my eyes, chuckling at how dumb I must've looked, and wiggled out of his grasp and off of the couch. He remained motionless, only turning to his side a small bit.

        Willow and Sumo were excitedly jumping up and down on the blankets on the floor, running back and forth between the blankets and the front door.

       "You guys want to go for a walk, huh? Okay, let me get changed and check on the kids really quickly, okay?" I pat both of their heads, Sumo huffing and Willow sitting and wagging her tail. I grabbed a pair of black Nike sweatpants and a black tank top, socks, and my running shoes and went to the bathroom. I got dressed, making sure to make as little noise as possible, and put my hair up in a messy bun. My hair really stood out a lot because I was one of the only Lieutenants at the DPD to have dyed hair, especially purple dyed hair. Some said it was unprofessional, but hey, when you're good at your job, it doesn't matter what you look like.

          I got out, putting my clothes from last night into a clothes hamper, and wrote a note saying where I went and telling everyone to not make breakfast because I would come back with donuts. I got to the door, putting on both dog's leashes and looked for my jacket. I couldn't find it anywhere, and it was cold outside (because it was December in Detroit), so I settled for one of Connor's brown heavy jackets. I grabbed my phone from beside the couch and checked on the kids really fast, both of them being asleep. I then grabbed both of the dogs leashes and headed out the door.

         I checked my phone, seeing that it was 7:30 AM. Captain Fowler had texted me saying nothing else had happened last night, and I replied with another 'thank you.' Both dogs used the bathroom and were now walking happily beside me.

         "Oh hey it's you again! Lizz, right? I remembered because you're one of the lieutenants from the DPD." I heard someone call, and I turned around to see that girl from the store, Jasmine.

         "Oh yeah, hey. How are you?" I asked politely, watching Sumo sniff her and Willow stand closer to me protectively. "I'm good, how about you? Who's this handsome dog?" She replied, petting Sumo. She continued to walk beside me as I made my way to the bakery.

         "This is Sumo, he's my... dad's dog. And I'm doing good, thanks." I turned a corner and she followed.

         "You guys must really like big dogs, huh. Well, I was just going to 'The Big Donut' for breakfast before work." Jasmine explained.

          "Me too, actually. I was picking up breakfast for my family. I'm friends with the owner, Katelyn, so she lets me bring these two in there." I smiled. Willow stopped to grab a stick off of the ground but then hurried to catch up with me. Jasmine went to say something, but then my phone started ringing. I looked at the name, and immediately answered.

           "Markus! Are you okay?" Worry laced my tone as I stopped walking and ushered Jasmine to keep going. She did.

          "Lieutenant Novak! I-I'm sorry for calling so early, something happened and Lieutenant Anderson didn't answer the phone. Can you please come to the New Jericho Church as quick as possible?" He stuttered, and my heart began racing. What could've happened?

          "Of course I will, Markus. Should I bring Connor?" I started walking back to Hank's house quickly, both dogs following in pursuit.

         "If you can, p-please. Thank you so much, Lieutenant. Call me once you're here and I'll escort you." Markus praised, and I said my goodbyes and rushed back to Hank's.

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