I Like Trains Pt. 2 :) (AADIH 6)

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          We were walking down the stairs now, everyone covered from head to toe in zombie blood and guts. We had gotten sort of used to the smell by now, but at first it was absolutely revolting and Yoel, River, Justin and I all puked in the bathroom as Zoe and Olivia tried to stay distracted by hastily covering themselves in the guts. We were now on the third floor, and we had to unbarricade the stairwell door in order to gain access to the second floor. 

           "The first barricade may not have held up so zombies could be on this floor, be calm and stay on your guard. Whisper if you're going to talk, but only do it if absolutely necessary. Keep mics on." Justin asserted as Yoel and I took off the barricade as quietly as possible. 

           "I'll be next to you just in case you run into problems with your ankle, okay? I'm sure the others will too." River comforted Olivia and she nodded before rolling her eyes. 

          "I got this shit, I'm a professional, but thanks." Olivia responded, earning a snort from myself and Zoe. 

          "Do you want me to use my perk and see if any are on this floor?" I offered, waiting for anyone to voice their opinions before Yoel did.

          "I think you should save it just in case we really need it. The zombies won't attack us because of this," He gestured to his blood covered outfit, "so we should be okay for the most part." I nodded in response as we began to open the double doors, everyone holding in a breath as they creaked open, mine making barely any noise as Yoel's echoed through the hallway. Justin walked forward, stepping into the second floor hallway first with Yoel and I tagging right behind him. The others followed behind us, and we all let out a sigh of relief as there wasn't a zombie in sight. 

          "The reinforcements held up good. Just one person should undo the next one, since it leads directly into a horde. That person can duck behind the doors or fall into the crowd and the rest of us will follow right behind, we just can't be clumped up in front of the door when it opens. I'll do it if every-"

          "I'll go." I interjected Justin, and he looked at me like I was crazy before I held up a finger and continued. "I'm quieter when I do things, since I'm an Ace. There won't be a problem with me possibly getting caught since we're covered in zombie guts, and I'm small so it'll be easier for me to blend in."

          "I did notice that whenever you reload guns or walk it's quieter, and I have a perk where I can see players footsteps for up to 3 minutes and I can't see yours." River supported, looking at the others reactions. 

          "The door was quieter when she opened it a few minutes ago too." Zoe chimed in, although she looked concerned. 

          "Let me go do it please? The mic will stay on, and I will wait for you by the entrance of the hospital, okay?" I pleaded. I was going to do it either way, I was just trying not to fight with Justin. He sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose. 

          "Fine, but you get the fuck out and make it to the train if any problems arise, okay?" He agreed and I silently cheered as I nodded. We walked to the next stairwell, the group staying at the top of the stairs as I began to descend them. 

          "Don't do anything stupid, okay you dumb hag?" Yoel called when I was halfway down the stairs, and I threw the bird up at him and continued making my way down after I heard a chuckle. The group chatted quietly as I took down the reinforcements on the door, trying to be quiet even though I didn't really have to. I listened to the growls and groans of the zombies that flooded the area beyond this door and my heart began to race. I started to freeze up, before I took a deep breath through my nose and slowly let it out through my mouth. I continued to take down the reinforcements, pulling one of the final boards off of the door and placing it off to the side. 

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