A War, A Runaway, A Murder Pt. 1

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                    3rd P.O.V.

          The world was divided into different town like groups after the monster apocalypse happened, wooded areas becoming inhabitable because of the monsters that lurk inside of them. Some towns were huge, technology causing a massive expansion and booming populations and rerouting mankind completely. Other towns, like the one our duo lived in, cut themselves off from everyone due to their 'toxic mind-controlling new technological way of life' and refused to advance in areas such as technology.

          The town known as Xionysus was a small, traditional town, where everyone knew everyone and no one disobeyed the rules. There were many rules here, the biggest one being that no one was allowed to leave the fencing around the town unless authorized by the mayor to do so. The children were told stories about the monsters in the woods surrounding their town, and they were all too terrified to even look in the direction of the foggy, overgrown wilderness that lay beyond the barb-wired fencing.

          However, there was one child who never seemed afraid as a kid, and all of the other children thought he was just as scary as the monsters that lay beyond the fence. All but one, and she followed him around everywhere, ever since they were just little kids.

          This brings us to today, where the two walk through the town carrying buckets of fresh fruit back to their families, who just so happened to live a few houses down from one another.

          "Hey, is your family going to the meeting later? I heard that it was made mandatory by the mayor, but that some are still trying to skip out on it." A teenage girl with dark, long brown hair and shiny chocolate eyes was walking alongside a teenage boy, who was much taller than her with short, light ash brown hair and hazel eyes.

          "I'm not sure, this sounds like something they'd try to skip out on." The boy retorted, letting out a heavy sigh. "I wonder what's so important that even the kids and teenagers have to go to the meeting. Usually we just get the day off," the boy weaved around some people that were out on the street, his friend following in his footsteps.

          "Whatever it is, it better be super important. My mom is forcing me to wear one of my nice dresses," the girl sighed, looking down at the dress she was wearing at the moment. "Why can't we just wear what the guys wear too? Pants and shorts look soooo much more comfortable than this thing."

          "You better not let your mom hear you say that, she'd get pretty upset that you'd be wanting to go against tradition. You'd probably get beat up again by the other kids, too." The boy then stopped in front of a large two story house on the outskirts of town, waiting for his friend to catch up.

          "Yeah yeah, you'd be there to break it up though, so it's fine!" The brunette smiled a cheeky smile before walking up to the house and turning around. "Hey, go bring your fruit home and then meet me back in front of my house, okay? I'm going to take this inside and get ready for the meeting."

          "If you say so."


          "Ha, your mom made you wear your nice clothes too!" Everyone in the town was currently walking to the meeting hall, which was just a big stage in the town square with the mayor's podium sitting on it.

          "Probably only because your mom made you..." The ashy-haired boy replied, shoving his hands in his dress pants pockets in a pout. "This better be important."

          "Hey Liz," Another teen boy could be heard from behind the duo, and the brunette turned around at the sound of her name being called. However once she realized who it was, she quickly spun back around and quickened her pace.

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