Traitor Part 3

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          A/N: Unless specified that it's a character's p.o.v., the ~ means a switch to 3rd person p.o.v. over another group. Also, this is going to be a liiiitttleee longer than I anticipated and I apologize sincerely (not really, I'm having fun murdering characters I couldn't usually kill in the main story)

_______________________________________________________________________________            After a few minutes of the bunker group anxiously waiting, they watched as William and Koa climbed up the ladder into the watch tower. 

          "Alright, who has the clear shot on Liz?" Zoe asked, looking through her scope which was aimed at the courtyard. 

          "I got it," River answered, watching as the girl just stood there awkwardly. 

          "Okay good, you remember the signal we're waiting for?" Zoe pressed as River sighed and agreed with an annoyed tone. "Sorry, just stressed."

          "Jay, remember you don't do anything unless we have to go inside, okay? You're just backup for right now kiddo," Olivia said and Jay happily agreed. 

          The group watched two men come down from the ladder, the men who were previously in the watchtower they presumed, and all got annoyed as they stopped to talk to Liz.

          "Dude what the fuck? Can't they just fucking get on with their life?" River snapped and everyone silently agreed as tensions grew higher. Liz pointed at her uniform and then shooed the men off, to which they didn't go.

          "When William said these people really thought women were worthless and beneath them, I didn't think it was this deep." Yoel thought out loud, getting slightly annoyed that their plan was now at a slight halt. Guard change was happening now though, and those three really needed to get out of there before someone noticed what was up.

          Liz finally just ended up shoving the two and yelling at them (from what the group could see), and after the two left everyone breathed a sigh of relief. After a few more seconds River watched Liz hold her hand up, giving the three finger gun wave before climbing the ladder.

          "Okay guys, let's go on to part two safely." River announced as everyone collected their stuff, Jay now being the only one watching the three escaping while the rest of the bunker group ran to their new positions. River and Yoel were going to meet the trio in the forest while Zoe and Olivia moved to better spots with more clearance to see the whole base with just two people (not including Jay's position). 

          "Hey, I think something's wrong..." Jay announced into the earpiece, everyone stopping in their tracks with their hearts racing. 

           "What do you mean, Jay? Why do you think that?" Yoel quizzed, glancing over at River who was running a hand through his hair and sweating.

           "Koa is running across the wall to the next tower and Liz dropped back down the ladder and ran into a building, William is the only one that made it out of the watch tower and is outside of the walls. He's running into the woods," Jay explained, his voice becoming shaky. "Oh, William is holding up his hand... it looks like a fist with his thumb and his pinky out. You know, the surfer dude pose?" 

          "Fuck, Fuck, Fuck! Alright I'll go meet William, everyone else just go to the other spots until he fills me in, okay?" River ordered, taking off in the direction he was originally headed while Yoel turned around to run back to meet Zoe and Olivia. 


          Liz had entered the watch tower, a sigh of relief escaping her lips as she saw William dropping the rope out of the building and Koa shooting a few straggling zombies on the ground with his silenced pistol. 

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