Broken Pencils and Scary "Dogs"? (AADIH #13)

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The three teenage girls were walking on the edge of a deserted road, on their way to an auto shop that was nearby.

"I can't believe the truck blew up on us..." Olivia mumbled in a disheartened tone.

"It was about time now that I think about it, with all the zombie guts and whatnot that are probably stuck up in the engine." Zoe said, slightly grimacing at the thought.

"Let's just hope there's either parts to fix it or another car at this place, it'll be really hard to carry all of this stuff back home. We still need to look for ammo and more food, too." Liz replied, and everyone nodded. All of them were carrying some sort of bag on their arm- if not two- which held blankets, warmer clothes, and the little food they found so far. They had been carrying it on top of their weapons and backpacks they already had on for a while now, as it was now 1 P.M.

"We're almost there, I see a building in the distance on our left." Olivia sighed in relief, everyone trying to walk a little faster. They got to the building within a few more minutes, and sure enough the run down sign read 'Bill's Auto Shop.' The three teens tossed their stuff over the fence, scaling it in no time and picking everything back up.

"There's a lot of cars over there but they all look really beat up, let's hide our stuff in one then go check for zombies inside. Maybe there will be keys and a way into that garage," Zoe stated, pointing back at the padlocked garage door. The two girls nodded, making their way over to a couple cars that were parked to the right of the building. Two of them were locked, but the last one was unlocked. They hid the bags, making sure they had their weapons before making their way to the door of the shop.

"It's locked," Olivia grumbled, shaking the handle. Suddenly she jumped back as a zombie slammed its hands into the door's glass, groaning and staring at the girl. "Holy fuck that scared me."

"We could pick it, but I'll go look around back just in case there's another way in. If anything, we could always just break the glass and unlock it but we'd have to kill that first," Liz pointed at the zombie practically drooling at the sight of the three people. "And the glass would make a lot of noise."

"You go look, yell if you find anything!" Olivia called out, squatting down to look at the lock, trying to ignore the groaning zombie above her.

Liz walked around the side of the building, trying to open a few windows that she saw. Of course, they were locked as well. There was a groaning behind her, and she turned to see a zombie stumbling over to her, dragging a bear trap on its leg.

"Ouch... that had to hurt buddy," Liz grimaced, walking towards the zombie and grabbing her hatchet with her right hand, taking a swift swing at the undead's skull. It fell, now completely dead as the girl shook her head and walked towards the back of the building now. She continued trying to open windows, all of them locked except one. It was small, and as the teen wiped the grime off of the glass she peered in and noticed that it led into an office. "Bingo."

Knowing that she was probably the only one small enough that could fit Liz opened the window, tossing her backpack inside and hoisting herself up head-first through the tiny space. She tumbled through not-so-gracefully, barely missing her head as she fell onto the ground. The teen caught her breath for a second before grabbing her backpack and standing up, slinging it over her shoulder and walking out of the office. Liz walked between the rows of car parts, quietly making her way to the sound of the zombie growling at the front door.

She was almost there when she tripped, landing on the floor face-first with a loud 'smack.' Liz tried not to groan as she pushed herself up, now hearing shuffling footsteps coming towards her. When Liz tried to continue walking however, she realized that something was wrapped around her ankle. Glancing downward, she saw the hand of what seemed to be a zombie who had been trapped under a fallen rack. "You mother fucker." She hissed, snatching the hatchet from her waistband and swinging down. The hand was now cut off from the wrist as Liz shook it off of her ankle in disgust, turning just in time to see the zombie that was at the front door reaching out towards her. Liz ducked under her arms, making it behind the zombie and swinging the hatchet up and bringing it down on the growling thing's skull. After wiping off the blood from the blade, the teen made her way to the door.

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