Connor Pt. 4

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               When I woke up, the first thing I noticed was that I was on a couch and the lights were off in the room I was in. I panicked, shooting up quickly and looking around. Willow was laying beside the couch and Sumo was laying by the door. How did I get to Hank's if I was just at the station? I scooted myself into a sitting position, Willow hopping up excitedly next to me on the couch. My arms were wrapped in pristine white ace bandages, meaning someone had changed them. My outfit was still the same, though lacking the addition of shoes. Sumo lazily got up and plopped himself next to my feet with a 'thud.'

               My phone was sitting face down on the coffee table in front of the couch charging. I leaned over and grabbed it, scrolling through to look at my notifications. The first thing I noticed though, was that it was 1:45, and I was supposed to get Ellie from school at 2. I mentally panicked, starting to stand up before I noticed the note on the table. I picked it up, and it read, 'I estimated that you would wake up around 2, and I wanted to make sure you didn't try to get the kids. I'll pick them up, and I'll bring home dinner along with Hank. Don't try to overwork yourself, just rest. You passed out because of an excessive elevated heart rate and over exertion, so you need to rest. There's some garlic butter pasta in the fridge that I made earlier, so you could have enough carbs to give you more energy. I also changed your bandages, I hope you don't mind. I'm running out of room on the paper so I'll go now,' in really neat handwriting. At the bottom, it was signed with a perfect heart, along with Connor's signature. I smiled to myself, before stumbling my way to the kitchen.

               I went straight for the fridge, the rumbling in my stomach a telling sign that I was hungry. I opened the fridge, grabbing milk and a blue Tupperware container that said 'Pasta :)' on it along with chocolate syrup. Willow trotted over to me, huffing and sitting in front of me with one paw in the air. "What is it girl? Would you like a treat?" I asked, and she jumped up, putting both paws on my shoulders and licking my face. I stumbled back a tiny bit but caught myself on the fridge. Sumo dragged himself over at the mention of a treat, and sat down, staring at me with big puppy dog eyes while panting. I set everything out on the counter before reaching for a white jar labeled 'Cookies' on the counter. I grabbed two milk bones from the counter, both dogs sitting up nice and tall. "Shake!" I commanded, and both dogs held out the opposite paws while their tails wagged excitedly. I praised them and gave them their treats, and they ran away to eat them as I heated up the pasta Connor had left.

               After I had gotten all of my stuff together, I went and sat back on the couch with both dogs at my feet. I turned on the T.V. and began watching the news. After watching and realizing that I basically knew all of this information already (duh, you're a police lieutenant), I flicked through the channels before I found some old T.V. shows that I used to love and started re-watching them. Once I was halfway finished with my food, my phone buzzed and my ringtone blared throughout the house.

               "Hello?" I answered, not looking at the contact name first. Oops.

               "Hey mom," Ellie's happy voice echoed through the phone speaker, and I checked the time on my phone. It was 2:45, and she was probably on the way with Connor to pick up Sammy. "I'm with Connor and were going to pick up Sammy, is there anything you'd like us to get?" Knew it.

               "No hun, I'm okay, but could you put Connor on the phone please? Unless he's focused driving, then it's fine." I asked and was met with shuffling on the other end.

               "What's up Lizz? Are you okay? How do you feel?" I was bombarded with with questions from a worried Connor.

               "I'm fine, Con. I just had a question!" I giggled.

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