Prophet (AADIH 10)

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          "Liz?" Justin was the first to call out the girls name after the rapid fire from her gun had been heard. Shortly after, a gasp followed by a loud splash was heard through everyone's earpieces, followed by radio silence. He stood next to a tree, a gun held steady in his hands as he observed the surroundings. 

          "Liz!" Zoe fretted, standing with Koa and Olivia by the bunker. Both girls had worry written on their faces, while Koa tugged at the hems of their shirts trying to discover what as going on. 

          "River, do you know where she was sniping at? What direction she ran in when you two split up?" Yoel prodded, and River gulped and wiped the sweat from his brow before responding. 

          "I'll go look for her, I know where she went for the most pa-" But suddenly the dark haired teen was behind River, with his hand on his shoulder. The poor teen jumped, spinning around with a hand over his heart. "Dude! Don't fucking do that, I almost shot you!" 

          "I'm coming with you." Yoel responded and River deadpanned due to the fact that he completely ignored what he had said. 

          "Hold on, what about me?!" Justin scowled over the earpiece as he began to storm over to where the other boys were.

          "Go back to the bunker with Zoe and Olivia, they're worried too but it'll take more than just the two of them to defend that place if more of these guys come back or if we didn't get them all. Also, are you forgetting that Koa is an Ace too, and if people knew that then they'd go after him just as much as they do Liz? We'll get her, her earpiece probably fell out, okay?" Yoel tried to comfort Justin, but instead got met with a scoff. Nonetheless, he still listened and went to where the girls were defending the bunker. River and Yoel set off, promising to update the others as soon as they found something.


          It was about 10 minutes when River had finally found the path that Liz had taken, and now both teens were walking up the hill with their guns drawn.

          "What do you think happened?" River asked, stepping over a fallen tree and looking for the bigger footprints they had been following thanks to his own perk. This was a sign that someone else had been with Liz, even though you couldn't see her footprints because she was an Ace.

          "Before, I thought she just got grabbed by a zombie and had a struggle, leading to her earpiece falling somewhere, but now..." Yoel trailed off, motioning towards where River was looking. "Zombies don't leave a trail, correct?" 

          "Yeah, hey, do you hear that?" Both of them stopped walking, listening to the sounds of what they thought to be rushing water. River took off, Yoel following behind as they ran through the trees and soon stopped abruptly at a high drop off. 

          "Was she here? Do you still see footpri-" But the dark haired teen was elbowed in the ribs by River, who was pointing at a large tree that had blood pooled around it a couple yards away. River nodded with wide eyes as both of them drew their guns, being careful not to step on any sticks as they walked towards the tree. As they got closer, they saw a leg in the center of the blood pool, the tree concealing the rest of the body. It seemed as if the blood was coming from an injury on the foot, though. River was the first to come around the tree, his gun drawn as his eyes narrowed. 

          "Woah woah woah, don't shoot!" A bulky, bigger man sat behind the tree with his arms up. 

          "Who the fuck are you?!" River demanded, stepping closer to the man as Yoel stayed behind with his gun aimed at the mans head.

          "My name's Ryland, okay?! What do you want?!" The man exclaimed, looking at both teens with wide eyes. 

          "What did you do to our friend?!" River barked, his gaze never leaving Rylands as the man looked between both of the teens with frantic eyes before they widened and he shook his head. 

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