Music Therapy (AADIH 11)

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          It had been three months since the teens had found the bunker, and currently only Zoe, Olivia, Liz, and Koa were at it. The boys had went off to find supplies and other things that the group would need for the winter that was rapidly approaching. A nice fall breeze was in the air as one of the teens sat on top of the hill that hid the bunker, dangling her legs off the edge as she held an instrument with shaky hands. She strummed a few chords, the now foreign noise bringing a smile to her face as she tuned a few strings and adjusted her sitting position. She then hummed a few notes, strumming with those notes before a song came into her mind. Her left hand was shaky and tense as she held down the strings, her right hand plucking all the right strings. 

          "And the pastor says I'm good, but Jesus Christ, I'm never good," She began, picking the strings slightly slower than how she remembered the original song. 

          "I'll nail my hands up to the wall, I'll nail my hands up to the wall," She grimaced after those words, squeezing her eyes for a brief second before shaking her head. 

           "And yeah the pastor says I'm good, but Jesus Christ, I'm never good. I'll nail my hands up to the wall, I'll nail my hands up to the wall." 

          "And yeah, the doctors were nice enough, they just said I'm fucked. Just like my mom is fucked, I bet your dad's fucked up, and in the black light, I could tell a sick joke. Maybe in the black light, I could tell a sick joke." She took a deep breath as her hands slightly steadied.

          "Twinkle twinkle little star, alcoholics don't get far, unless they drink and drive let's go for a ride."

          "And I hope I crash and die tonight, I hope I crash and die tonight," She stared off into the trees in front of her. 

          "Saying I do not like you, I do not mind him much. You were just my first, now I've had I'm cool to the touch, leap to my death. I'll die for my friends, I'll lie to the end I'm cool to the touch, leap to my death. I'll die for you all, I'll die for my friends." She then switched from picking strings to strumming chords, looking down at her left hand.

          "It goes like this, well I ain't sorry. With broken wrists, I'll climb from these walls." She then went back to plucking strings, the notes seeming to echo throughout the trees. 

          "My skin crawls, my skin crawls, my..." She trailed off, setting her chin on top of the smaller hump of the guitar and looking down at her feet. She was so focused on her tennis shoes that she didn't notice the other teen there until she had waved up at her. Liz suddenly turned red, nervously waving back to Olivia with her right hand while the left gripped the neck of the guitar. "H-How much of that did you hear?"

          "Almost all of it. You have a pretty voice," Olivia complimented, and the embarrassed girl rolled her eyes while thumping her forehead against the guitar. She muttered a thank you as Olivia walked up the hill, sitting next to Liz. "You listened to Mccafferty?"

          "Yeah, did you?" Liz raised her head, now leaning onto the instrument as she held a conversation with the other teen.

          "Well duh, I used to blast their music so loud that my aunt would have to barge in my room screaming at me to turn it down!" Olivia laughed, although her eyes held something that wasn't happiness. "Anyways, do you know anymore songs by them on the guitar? I'd love to hear them, if you don't mind."

          "U-um, I know Britrock, Bottom, Blue Eyes Like The Devil's Water, Trees-"

          "Trees was a good one, do you want to sing it with me?" Olivia asked, a smile on her face as Liz nodded, her hands becoming shaky again. "You don't have to be nervous, I already heard you sing dummy. If anything, I should be nervous!"

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