Surprise Savior? (AADIH #14)

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               "Mother fuckers!" Justin yelled, swinging a machete down into the decayed skull of a zombie. The three boys had to have fought off at least 50 by now, and Justin had gotten rather annoyed and activated one of his perks in order to use a melee weapon to begin clearing the crowd faster. 

               "You're getting too careless, Justin! Don't get surrounded!" River called out above his gunfire, staying out of the crowd and covering Yoel, who had switched to sniping the zombies that had began to surround Justin.

               "I'm fine! Worry about your damn self!" The teen was in a rage and no one really knew why, he had just stormed into the crowd after tossing his pistol to the ground.

               "He shouldn't be in there without his gun." Yoel stated, not taking his eyes away from the scope as he continued to fire into the crowd as well. He was laying on the hill that concealed the bunker, so he had a clear view of what he was doing. "They're starting to come up from the ground, I can't help him if one grabs him and they all pile on top of him."

               "Shit," River muttered, shaking his head while continuing to rapid fire into the crowd, being careful of where he was aiming. "What brought them here?" 

               "I don't know," Came the other teen's reply.

               "His perk is going to run out soon."


                But before either teen could make any call outs, Justin let out a cry, and Yoel muttered a few curses.

               "He fell," Yoel sighed, tossing the sniper to the side and picking up a crowbar that was laying beside him. 

               "Fucking Christ." River wiped a shaky hand across his face, pulling a baseball bat from the ground and running into the crowd. "We're coming dude!"

                After a few minutes both teens had made it to Justin, who was barely defending himself against the three zombies that had piled on top of him and the others beginning to surround him. River took care of the zombies that had piled on top of Justin, Yoel keeping the others away while Justin got up and got his shit together.

                "What took you so long?" Justin complained as the boys formed an unintentional triangle in the center of the mob, their backs to eachother.

               "Oh I don't know, maybe the crowd of the undead surrounding you? We fucking warned you man, next time listen to us!" River snapped, swinging his bat down hard on a zombie. The teens stayed mostly silent after that, focusing on killing the zombies around them and getting out of this alive.

               After about 10 minutes the crowd had nearly disappeared, the mass amounts of zombie bodies littering the ground tripping up the remaining undead corpses and making it easier to kill them. Once they were all dead the boys threw themselves onto the ground, taking a much needed breather. A few seconds later the bunker door flew open and out ran a very concerned Koa.

              "Are they dead? Are you okay?!" The little boy bombarded, running over the bodies and making to where the three were resting and kneeling down next to them.

               "Yeah, they're all dead Koa." Yoel was the first to sit up, taking one last deep breath before pushing himself off of the ground and grabbing his crowbar and wiping it off on his pants. 

               "Hey, you should've waited until we came back inside, what if there had still been zombies out here?" River lightly scolded, the kid huffing.

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