Bunker (AADIH 9)

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           Within 10 minutes we had pulled up behind a Laundry Mat, the engine idling as the three boys got into the truck. Justin swapped places with Olivia, who now sat in the back with Koa. Zoe sat passenger, and Yoel, River and I all sat in the bed of the truck. Koa had wanted to come out, but it just wasn't safe enough for him to be back here. 

         "We're about to leave, are you sure you don't want to come in Liz?" Zoe offered, and both boys looked in my direction as I wiped off the Acog scope that had somehow gotten blood on it.

          "I'm good, thanks." I replied, blowing on the glass before snapping the scope back onto the AR and laying it on the truck bed beside me. I sat with my legs out in front of me, my back against the side of the bed and my head leaned back to look at the sky. The truck started up, the engine roaring before we slowly pulled out from behind the Laundry Mat and headed out of the town.

          "There's 11 bullet holes in the truck. That's just counting the bed, where you were." Yoel began, causing me to raise my head and look at the teen. He sat across from me, currently cleaning off a knife with a rag. 

          "Huh, guess I only registered two shots. Adrenaline really fucks you up, yeah?" I remarked, pulling my legs closer and now sitting criss cross with my elbows propped up on the side of the truck behind me. 

          "Why aren't you being careful?" he asked, not bringing his view away from the blade in his hand. 

          "Not being careful would've been jumping from the roof into the truck." I scoffed, rolling my eyes before they fell upon River, who was sitting by the end of the bed and leaning his face over the edge. I think he was car sick, and if I had been sitting inside the truck I would've been carsick too.

          "You know what I mean. We're just worried, that's all." He said, and I glanced over at him and made eye contact with him. "Is something wrong?"

          "Talk to you later about it." 


           That was the end of our conversation, and I wiped my face before hearing a belch come from River. 

          "You okay buddy?" I called out, and he shook his head before puking over the side of the truck. 

          "Do you want water?" Yoel offered, to which the sick teen nodded his head. While Yoel was grabbing the water I scooted over to River, aiming my face away from his direction as I patted his back. "Here."

          River drank some of the water, putting the bottle down and hanging his head back over the edge of the truck. 

          "I have a trick that might help you, can I see your wrists?" I requested, and River slightly nodded and held them out to me. I held three fingers from the bottom of his hand on his left arm, then placed my thumb hard in the center of his wrist. I placed my other thumb in the same place for his right hand, pressing down just hard enough to leave a small red mark. "You have a pressure point on each wrist here, and if you hold both of those points you won't get nauseous. I had sea bands for this in real life, that's the main reason why I'm sitting out here and not in the truck, I'd be just like you. Anyways, let me know when you feel better and I'll stop, you'll probably get nauseous again later but at least you'll have a bit of relief now."

          "Thanks." River shakily replied, laying his head on the truck bed side. It had to have been around 5:30 P.M., and it was cooling off now and would be dark sooner or later. After a few minutes River said he felt better, so I went back to my original spot. I picked up my AR and propped it on the side of the truck, looking through the scope as the scenery whizzed by in a blur of mostly beige. 

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