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          We all sat in the lobby of the church, eating food as I explained the day and who Simon was. Justin seemed to calm down a little bit, but he still kept his gun close to him while we ate and talked. We sat in a square, each of us having our own little corners and doing our own things while still talking and eating. 

          "I didn't mean to startle you Justin, I'm sorry." Simon apologized, looking over at Justin for his response. He shook his head, waving his hand while he finished chewing what was in his mouth.

          "It's fine. Don't think I trust you, because I don't, but I won't shoot you as of right now unless you give me a reason to." Justin deadpanned and Simon gulped, nodding sheepishly. 

          "Did you guys find any pain killers or another earpiece?" I inquired, my hand covering my mouth since I was talking with my mouth full. 

          "Don't talk with your mouth full, and yes we did. I'll get them for you later." Yoel answered, rolling his eyes as I flicked him off for telling me what to do. I saw Justin throw a grape in the air and try to catch it in his mouth, failing miserably as the grape splashed into his cup of water. We chuckled as he yelled at us, saying we couldn't do better. Simon cleared his throat, getting up and excusing himself to go to the bathroom. 

          "Hey, Yoel, can I talk to you outside really fast?" I asked, earning a weird look from Justin and a nod from Yoel as we got up and walked outside. I explained what happened right before the boys had came back and what I had seen when I touched Simon's hand, feeling like I was going to throw up all over again. I also mentioned the questions he asked me while I had been cleaning one of our guns, making sure to include all the details I had. 

          "I noticed that he kept looking at you, do you think that you could remind him of his sister?It would make sense, maybe he sees resemblance in you and his sister and feels guilty about what he did. I don't think it would be a good idea for him to know that you know, but I also don't know how long you can hide knowing something like that." Yoel sounded more like he was pondering outloud than responding to what I said, looking at me before realizing what he was doing and quickly apologizing.

          "It's fine, but what're we going to do exactly? This isn't something we can just handle, is it? Oh god, I think I'm going to puke again." I leaned over the porch railings, puking up everything I had just eating for the second time today. I heard a small gag behind me, which I assumed was Yoel trying not to do exactly what I was doing. 

          "Do you w-want water or something?" Yoel gagged again and I nodded as I tried to hold down the rest of my dinner. I took a deep breath, spitting the disgusting taste out of my mouth before wiping my mouth and sitting against the church wall. Simon fucking left his sister to either get eaten alive or burn to death, and tried to shoot her before that! How could someone just do that to their little sister?! If I would've seen her in the car I could've saved her, I could've helped her and-

          "Here." Yoel handing me a cup of water snapped me out of my thoughts, and he handed me the cup before walking away to sit on the other side of the churches' double doors. He cleared his throat, and the air grew tense as he began to speak. "If you don't mind me asking, what did that guy say to you? Or did he do something?" 

          A long silence ensued as I drank my water, thinking about my response. I could hear Justin having some kind of conversation with Simon inside, which distracted me for a bit until Yoel cleared his throat again. 

          "He didn't do anything." I stared at the water inside of the cup as I spoke, my voice slightly breaking. 

          "So he said something, then?" Yoel responded, and I could feel him looking at me, trying to see my reaction I'm sure. 

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