Factory (AADIH 8)

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          It had been a few hours since everyone had split up and no one had really found anything concerning the bunker. There was a town out here in the middle of nowhere that Justin and River found, along with a factory that Zoe and Olivia found. They hadn't been marked on the map, most of this area hadn't been marked on the map at all. Zombies appeared out of nowhere here though, and it was kind of dangerous so Yoel and I watched Koa like hawks to make sure he stayed safe. Some of them even came up from the mounds of sand here and there, since this was mostly desert and mountain land, and it was kind of terrifying. Fucking game mechanics, man. Anyways, it had to be around 4 ish now and it was just starting to cool off from the scorching hot afternoon that it was earlier. It would start getting colder soon, since it was around July and we would soon be going into the fall season.

          "If we don't find anything within the next half hour, want to stop and eat?" Yoel asked as the three of us walked side by side.

          "Sure, unless you guys are hungry now, then we can stop now." I offered and both of them shook their heads. 

          "Can I have some water though please? I'm thirsty." Koa asked after a few minutes had passed, and I smiled while shrugging off my backpack, beating Yoel to the punch. I unzipped it and moved some things around, grabbing a water bottle and handing it to the kid. Afterwards I zipped up my backpack and put it back on my back, making eye contact with Yoel before smirking and looking into the distance in front of us. Koa had taken a large gulp of water, which was followed by a light 'ah' and a 'thank you.' I just nodded in response.

          "There's fucking people here guys, shit. We're trying to evade them but they seem to be everywhere!" Zoe exclaimed through the mic while talking quietly. Faint talking could be heard in the background, along with what sounded like Olivia whispering something. 

          "Same fucking here! Yoel, Liz, are you guys dealing with this shit too?" Justin growled, obviously pissed off.

          "Nope. We can come help, we can split up and head to you guys? Yoel can go to you and River and I can go to Olivia and Zoe, I'll bring Koa with me unless he wants to go with Yoel." I said, turning around with the two boys and beginning to walk back.

          "Alright, everyone regroup back at where Yoel and Liz are currently at. Is there any cover in that area that we can meet behind just in case?" Justin asked, having a side conversation with River that I couldn't really make out at the same time. 

          "Uh, there's actually this group of trees in the distance that I saw. We haven't checked it yet but I'll ping it on the map." I received a light hum in response as the sound of running footsteps and gunshots could be heard over the mic. 

          "I suggest we keep mics on." Yoel commented, and I nodded in agreement before pinging the location that was now behind us on the map and setting off into the directions of our teammates. 

          "Liz let us know when you get here, we'll try to make it to you if you can get to a spot and use your Acog to watch our backs as we make our way to you." Olivia requested before she and Zoe both fell silent and gunshots were heard. 

          "Got it." I replied before turning to the other two. "This is where we split, since it'll be faster to go our separate ways here. Koa, there's a situation that our team is in and we have to help them, but Yoel and I have to split up. Who do you want to go with?" 

          The young kid stood there for a few seconds, looking between us before stepping closer to me. "You, no offense Yole."

           "None taken Koa, and it's Yoel." The dark haired male corrected, and Koa smirked.

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