I Like Trains :) (AADIH 5)

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          Here I sat with Zoe, Justin, and Yoel, in a train car that was smoothly going along the train tracks along with the rest of the train. We were towards the end of the train, in a mostly empty storage car, aside from some crates and other things. The train wasn't going that fast, and I sat beside the open door watching the scenery fly past. 

          "At the next stop is a large hospital along with a bunch of smaller buildings that I can't make out on the map," Justin began, having his map pulled up as he marked things. "We can look around the other places but we have to make sure to get in and out of the hospital as quick as possible. Lots of other people are known to come here for the supplies, and the place is known for hordes."

          "How do we know all of the supplies aren't gone?" Zoe pondered aloud. She was sitting across from me, making sure guns were loaded and passing them back to who they belonged to. Justin was sitting on a crate in the back of the car, one knee pulled up to his chest while the other hung off of the box, making a light 'thump' noise as he tapped it against the crate. Yoel was sitting in the other doorway, his legs hanging out of the car as he stared off into the passing views. 

          "We don't, but if they're still there they can last us a long time, long enough for us to try and find another lead on how to get out of this hellhole. The last one gave us something that we can't even use or just don't know how to yet." Justin motioned over to me as he said this, and I subconsciously looked down at the emerald green and gold pendant that sat around my neck. We went into a radio tower and somehow survived it collapsing all for this pendant, and we still have no idea what it's for, all I knew was that it was important because I had a dream about Marie telling me to hold onto it. 

          "It looks dumb and too flashy. Someone else should wear it." I muttered, rubbing my thumb over the pendant before I shivered. 

          "You're the one wearing it because you're probably going to be the only one that'll be able to use it. Although, when we get to the hospital if we get in a tight spot you can hand it off to someone else. If someone goes after you, they won't get you AND the pendant. They won't get you, though." Justin replied, and I nodded before huffing and looking back out of the doorway. It was morning, the system showing that it was 11:23 A.M. and Wednesday. Everyone had already eaten when we first got on the train, so we all had energy and were prepared for the day.

          "Are we getting back on the train when we're done?" Yoel asked, still looking outside.

          "If we make it in time, since it'll stop at the hospital, we just don't know for how long. We're almost there though so keep your eyes out, and close the doors just in case." Justin answered and I stood up, Zoe scooting back so I could slide the car door shut. "We can probably find a train schedule actually..." Justin led off, talking to himself outloud as we all did our own things. 


          The train had stopped a few minutes ago, and we sat silently as we listened to the gunfire and groans of the undead outside. We couldn't decipher how close or far the shooting was, but it sounded like there were a couple zombies outside of the train car we were in. 

          "Justin and I'll go first, you and Zoe follow behind." Yoel suggested, not as demanding as Justin usually does as we nodded and followed through with the plan. They got out, the sounds of knives going into zombies skulls filling the air as Zoe and I ran out from behind the boys and got the zombies coming from the sides. We were on what looked like a loading platform, benches and what-not spread out on the elevated concrete platform that we had ran out on. There wasn't as many zombies as I thought there would be due to all of the noise, and I wiped the blood off of my knife before sheathing it and following Justin and the others over to a train schedule and routes. 

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