Connor Pt. 3

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                  Lizz's P.O.V.

           I woke up in the morning to an alarm on my phone, to which I rolled over and went to grab before falling off of the couch with an 'oof.' I sat up, feeling all sore and stiff before snatching my phone and turning off the alarm. It was 6:00 A.M., and I remembered I had to take the kids to school. I also remembered last night, and I looked on the couch to see it empty. The dogs were also gone, so I assumed Connor had taken them for a walk. I got up and went to the kids' room, slowly opening the door and turning the light on. 

        "Wake up you two, you have to get ready for school." I whisper-yelled, not wanted to wake Hank up at this ungodly hour. Even if he hadn't been drinking last night, he'd still be a big grump.

          "But mooooom!" Ellie groaned, rolling over on top of Sammy. He huffed and shoved her off with a small 'hey!' and she rolled her eyes and stood up to stretch. "I trust you to get Sammy up QUIETLY while I go get dressed. If you hurry, I can take you both to get breakfast instead of having toast or something." As I said those words, Ellie's eyes went wide and turned to get her little brother up. I smiled, leaving the room to get clothes to get ready.

            I grabbed a pair of black high-waisted skinny jeans, a cute white and red vertically-striped dressy short sleeved shirt, a thick black belt, and a pair of red high top Converse. I was going to have to wear the same bandages that the hospital gave me yesterday, I didn't think Hank had anymore of these. Then, I went to the bathroom to take a quick shower while the kids used the other bathroom in Cole's old room. I heard the front door open and close as I was stepping out of the hot shower, along with the scurrying of nails across the wood floor. I got dressed quickly, tucking my shirt in and wrapping my hair up in a towel. I stepped out and checked the time as the kids were putting on their shoes.

           "Goodmorning Lizz." Connor smiled gently, and grabbed my hand to look at the cuts all over my arm. Some were deeper than others, and only a couple had needed stitches. "I can clean these for you after we take the kids to school, if you'd like. The nurse recommended that they stay cleaned and bandaged, and that the bandages got changed every day." 

            "Thank you, Connor. Are you guys ready? Its 6:30 and if we leave now I can get you McDonalds or something." I offered, grabbing my purse and patting both of the dogs heads. Both kids nodded eagerly, grabbing their backpacks and running out to the car. I had a basically ancient car, it being from the 1960's (The model, not the car itself) and all. It ran like a dream though and I loved it with all of my heart. I got in the drivers' side, putting my keys into the ignition and starting up the car. 


             I dropped Sammy off at school first, he was happily munching on some donut sticks as he got out of the car and raced to meet up with his friends. Ellie was sitting in the back, her earbuds in as she listened to music from her phone. 

             "Hey, Ellie?" I called, watching from the rear view mirror as she took one earbud out and hummed in response. "I know you usually ride with Courtney home after school so you can be there when Sammy gets off of the bus, but I'm going to pick you up today, okay?" 

              "Okay, mom. Is this because of the break in?" She asked. Both earbuds were out of her ears now and she was paying full attention to me.

                "Yes hun, I don't want anything happening to you or your brother. Actually, either Connor or I will come get you, but it'll be in my car, so don't get in any other car please." I responded. She gave me a simple 'Yes Ma'am' in response and unbuckled her seat belt when we pulled into the school parking lot. 

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