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It feels like a common repetition,

Time around us going faster than lightning, 

One day it's Wednesday and before you know it, it's already Sunday.

We were so accustomed to the weekend being our break days however, now they just feel like the same day everyday,

We are all going through different experiences, moods and feelings, 

I am forever looking at the screen of my laptop trying to work and do the best I can for the time being.

It's freezing cold outside,

Can you hear the rain at night it pitter patters like a cat tapping with its paws on the window.

Sometime's I struggle with being so confined in my room and I need a sense of freedom,

If your like me get out and feel the air on your skin,

Eat things which you want don't care about trying to hide your cravings, 

Be the person you want to be,

Be the person who you've always aspired to be, 

Because a change is the best sense of freedom, both mentally and physically. 

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