The window

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A single escape of air.

For some an emergency help route,

For others a way to think outside the box.

A peace offering for each one.

I look out the window and I see trees, wildlife, clouds and birds.

It fascinates me.

But how about the people addicted to their phones?

Do they realize what's outside in front of them?

The window reminding me of an airplane.

The breeze hitting me slowly,

The sun beaming but in the distance,

Without a window one room would be a prison.

No light, no air, no escape.

Would you lose your mind in one confined room?

Me? Yes.

Then there's something called the glass window effect, an invisible barrier which affects an individual from achieving success.

What's your window?

Can you overcome the obstacle?

Try to push through the window.

If not well smash it till it breaks the barrier preventing you.

You can only be your future.

No one else.

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