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At 5 a story to put you to sleep happy,
At 11 to keep dreaming,
At 18 knowing it's all fake.

We grow up in a society where everything needs to be seen and sound perfect. One with no uncertainties, no blemishes, no mistakes, no regrets, or heart break.
A Prince always saving the damsel in distress, but in the real world the damsel has to grow on her own and accept her fate and live with it.

The stereotyping of bad characters to good.
We never know who's who.
There's no genie, there's no fairy godmother, but there is YOU and only you. The master of your abilities.
You want something well you gotta bet your ass you need to work for it.
Just after having it all that certain perfect person will enter your life but are they perfect or do they have flaws which you still manage to love. And you gotta adjust again so you can be comfortable and complete your fairytale than one day you may tell your grandkids.

Once a story, always a story.

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