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Being a woman comes with lots of thoughts and feelings,
From another's perspective it could be way too much,
As a woman we think of the worst case scenarios and the best ones,
But still we have endless overthinking at nights,
Being a woman you are told to respect your elders, your future husband and whoever you need to,
However I do not see the gender stereotyping as to why it's just us women who do,
Why can't men be told to do things aswell,
Why can't boys from a young age learn how to respect others,
Why can't our elderly think twice about what they're about to say,
Why can't our future husbands learn how to respect their future wife?
We still live in a world where women are still seen as housewives and people to keep their mouth shut on everything,
So if you're a woman just like me who doesn't want to be like that, do what's right for you,
We are women,
We are strong,
We have our own opinions,
And we have our own mind,
We are not psychopaths,
We are all humans and we have the right to do whatever we desire....

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